
Do vegitarians eat fish?

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if you eat fish are you considered vegitarian?

if you are one do you eat fish?

i haven't decided weather im going to or not so i just haven't.

some one tell me what they think please C:




  1. vegetarians dont eat fish.

    but pecetarians do, they dont eat any meat besides fish.


  2. Vegetarians don't eat dead animals.  The meaning of the word has been the same since the 1800's.

  3. No, vegetarians don't eat fish.

  4. This is one that always gets arguementative juices flowing.  No vegetarians do not eat is meat  not a vegetable. But this is a great question because so many people say to me "oh well your vegetarian...just have some fish then!" A person who only eats veggie and fish...then you are simply someone who doesnt eat red meat. :)

  5. No. Your not a vegetarian if you eat fish. A fish is an animal, therefore meat, vegetarians don't eat meat, so, you cant eat fish.

  6. A True Vegetarian don't eat fish! Fish is a meat. Vegetarians don't eat meat!  Anyone that eats fish and thinks their vegetarian doesn't understand vegetarianism no matter what word they put in front of vegetarian. The fish eaters that don't eat any other type of meat can call themself semi-vegetarian but they really aren't vegetarian cause they eat a meat which is fish! Fish isn't a plant! I don't eat any meats and that includes I don't eat fish.. so I'm a real vegetarian.  There really is no other type of vegetarian!

  7. Even it has EYES & BRAINS!

  8. These are said to be the 'official' chart of foods vegetarians don't eat put into the levels:

    Vegans or strict vegetarians exclude all animal products (e.g. meat, poultry, fish, eggs, milk, cheese, and other dairy products). Many vegans also do not eat honey.

    Lactovegetarians exclude meat, poultry, fish, and eggs but include dairy products.

    Lacto-ovovegetarians exclude meat, poultry, and fish but include dairy products and eggs. Most vegetarians in the US are lacto-ovovegetarians.

    > But being vegetarian is kind of a protest, or some-ones personal beliefs. In fact, all the vegetarians i know eat fish. I think it's because fish are treated with less cruelty is what my friend says, but being a vegetarian you don't get put on a harsh diet- it's more up to you what you do and don't eat. Making sure you do get all your proteins and vitamins, though.

    But there is the list up there of the dont's if you want =]

  9. No vegetarians do not eat fish.

  10. no, vegetarians don't eat fish

    but you can be pescetarian... basically that means that the only meat you eat is fish

  11. I'm a vegetarian.

    I don't eat any meat/flesh, including fish.

    Some vegetarians do eat fish, but they aren't true vegetarians, in that case.

  12. It really depends upon the person. Everyone makes their own rules to live by and many variations to choose from. These are a few off the top of my head:

    1. They don't eat fish

    2. They do eat fish

    3. They only eat fish that do not harm the environment or are not endangered.

    4. They limit their fish consumption to special occasions.

    5. Something more creative than I've thought of right now.

  13. My Best Friend is vegitarian and she doesnt eat fish either, she considers that meat too

  14. Some do, some don't (I have vegetarian friends who do and vegetarian friends who don't).  It's a good way to get protein and a lot of people don't consider fish to be meat, for some reason.  Vegans, on the other hand, definitely don't.

  15. I eat fish, but I don't eat other meat, but I'm a bbad vegetarian, lol.

    Don't follow my example.

  16. Vegetarians don't eat fish

    I think that being a vegetarian you have to take a lot of risks. One being the fact that you get less protein than usual because meat is full of it and of course they are herbivores.

  17. There are different types of vegetarian:

    Vegetarian: Mostly vegetables, no meat such as chicken, pork or beef, you get your iron and protein from beans and spinach. You drink milk and eat cheese, just no bacon or sausage or anything like that.

    Vegan: All plant, no chicken stock, absolutely nothing that comes from any type of animal, no fish, you get your protein from beans and legumes. No eggs, either.

    Weird, unhealthy vegetarian: You don't eat meat products but all you eat is basically ice cream and junk food that doesn't contain meat (and these people are often overweight).

    You just have to pick which one you want to be... Be careful though, I had to stop because I got anemic...I wasn't smart about my iron content. Slightly steamed spinach or fresh spinach in your salad. Fortified items are very unlikely to be absorbed.

  18. Some do, I know my mom does

  19. Vegetarians don't eat meat!

  20. some do, some don't.

    i have a cousin thats a vegetarian and eats fish.

    i'm also a vegetarian and i don't eat fish or eggs.

    i feel its kind of hypocritical if your a vegetarian and say you don't eat meat when fish feels pain.

    your still considered a vegetarian.

    i think you should be one, you'll live a cruelty free life style, you'll be healthier and you will have a lesser risk of getting, mad cow, heart disease, some cancers.

    do what you want.

  21. some do unless your a vegetarian because you think it's morally wrong to kill another animal.

  22. I'm vegetarian and i don't eat any fish or seafood. there is such a thing as a pesco-vegetarian and they eat fish but regular vegetarians don't eat fish. If you are considering becoming vegetarian because of the cruelty and you love animals then you shouldn't eat fish because that is hypocritical, remember fish are animals too and they go through the pain of being killed just as other animals do. If it is for other reasons then its fine.

  23. no ..pescatarians eat fish

  24. Some vegetarians do not classify fish as meat as it is white.

  25. im a vegetarian and i dont eat fish on a regular basis....i only eat fish when sushi's involved. im not exactly sure why some vegetarians eat fish i personally think it defeats the purpose-hypocritical i know, but im a sucker for sushi. and being vegetarian isn't really that bad. good luck!

  26. Absolutely not.

    Fish is an animal that feels pain, just like cows and humans.

    If you eat fish you are a pescetarian

  27. A vegetarian does not eat animals of any kind including seafood. A vegetarian is a vegetarian, there are no certain types. If you only eat fish meat, than you are a pescetarian.

    Those who call themselves vegetarians because they don't eat fish are not only ignorant but only want to claim the title vegetarian. They are not true vegetarians.

    I don't care how many people think I am wrong or how many thumbs down I get, i know what is what and just because you only eat fish doesn't make you a vegetarian.

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