
Do viruses really exsist or does it mean the doctors just dont know whats wrong with us?

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Do viruses really exsist or does it mean the doctors just dont know whats wrong with us?




  1. They really exist and can be seen under an electron microscope.  Do you really think doctors just make up lies when they don't know an answer to something?  The below link may help you see how scientists use electron microscropes to study viruses.

  2. Viruses actually exist. They are much smaller than bacteria.  

  3. An electron microscope?

    Are you crazy?

    Electron microscopes are used for VERY small things such as individual atoms, not viruses.

    And yes they are real, did you even pass high school? -.-

  4. Virus definitely exist - the 'lowest' form of life in evolutionary terms. And they can cause various diseases in humans eg, AIDS, cold, flu, chicken pox, small pox, etc.

    However, it is also true that sometimes when a doctor doesn't Really know what to make of your symptoms s/he may just say its a viral infection & try some remedial medication to alleviate the symptoms.

    BTW, virus are being used in medicine for beneficial purposes too - especially in genetics & drug delivery, etc.

    hope this helped

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