
Do vitamins come in liquid form that can be dropped into someone's drink?

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My boyfriend does not want to take vitamins, b/c he hates swallowing pills. He takes a chewable multivitamin and would like to take extra things, too, like a higher-dose vitamin D, omega 3, etcetera. I am wondering if there is a line of vitamins that come in a liquid form that can be dropped into someone's drink with one of those little eyedropper things. Do you know of any good vitamins that can be put in water or, say, casseroles?




  1. I used to take on called: "All One". It was a great multi vitamin and multi mineral that came in powder form. I used to put it into breakfast smoothies. I could not taste it at all. I also used to get a B complex vitamin in liquid form. The best thing to do is to go to your local health food store ( Whole foods or a bigger health food store) and ask them what they have. Most health food stores have people in your area that are very helpful and can direct you to exactly what you need. Don't sneak vities on you sweetie, but introduce him to the idea after he tastes his first smoothie and thinks it's delicious! Then you can show him that your way is great and that getting healthy can be tasty too! good luck!

  2. Omega 3 I know comes in a liquid form, not aware that D does unless you get a calcium supplement with D in it, there is liquid kind and a fizzy kind you can mix with water. Health food stores have the greastest variety of different types of vitamins and supplements, you should check out one near you and see what is available.

  3. go to the and they have all kinds of liquid vitamins..or look up bariatric surgery to see where they get their vitamins...most of them at first have to have liquid vitamins because their pouch is too small to handle pills.

    Good Luck

  4. I can't stand taking pills either.  I'm going to try chia, specifically this new stuff that they're going to be releasing this month called "The Signature Grain"

    I got to try a little bit of it and it has no flavor at all.  It looks like superfine ground oatmeal but you can't taste it.   This stuff you're going to be able to put on anything, even drink it with water & not taste a thing.  Bake with it...whatever....and it doesn't degrade the nutrients.

    You want Omega 3s? It's actually has so much nutrients in it that they're calling it a super food.  More Omega 3's than anything else on the planet.  Distributors are lining up right now to sell it and all the health food stores are going bonkers to get it.  My whole family wants to try it.  I'm  even going to mix it in all my pets food.

    It's so good for you, honestly,  I don't think I can put all the info in this wouldn't believe me.  I've been googling like crazy, asking questions about it & researching the guy who's been growing it (Wayne Coates)

    Google "The Signature Grain" and I'll give you some sites where you can read more about it.   I can't find ANY negative stories on it..none.

  5. As far as I know, the supplmenets available in a liquid (apart from getting liquid multis with small amounts of evertything) are:

    Vitamin A, Bcomplex, D, E

    Zinc, Calcium, Magnesium, Iron, Chromium

    Fish oil, EFA's

    So really, its mainly Vitamin C not avail in a liquid because its unstable, put you can get it in a powder and add it.

    Good luck...but maybe go to your health shop and see what they have, it will differ country to country

  6. I take spirulina  after getting the message of IIMSAM .I get it in capsules made of cellulose cover and if you wet it the dissolve . one gram of spirulina gives a whole day nourishment for proteins ,vitamins and minerals and cost less than a soda.

  7. No, but you can get pills with berry flavoured coatings that are east to swallowable. Or just crush up a pill into a fine powder and put it in food.

    Liquid vitamens are  a good idea, but minerals cannot be liquified.

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