
Do voodoo dolls really work?..;)?

by  |  earlier

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i wanna pull his legs off.. and stick pins in his eyes.. and castrate him..and.. and..and.. oh h**l i wanna do lots!..;)




  1. I wish.... !!

  2. no........

  3. don't be a coward and use a doll go up to him and mess him up  

  4. My x wifes one worked , now only have one ball and a burnt ****

  5. Yes, now go do the voodoo that you do so well!

  6. No, they do not work, but Lorena Bobbitt may be able to help you....

  7. tried it once. didnt work. but i wish it did

    is that yours in your picture? i like it. i like it a lot

  8. I suspect not

    make one anyway - have fun inflicting as much on it as you like

  9. a friend made one in a bar out of napkins and tooth picks etc.  the next day the person they were hating died.  be careful

  10. ouch! ouch! your poking me! not him! stop it stop it!

  11. I don't know, however I love to pretend they do.  when I lived in New Orleans I would go across the street to the French Market to get voodoo dolls and stick pins in them when I got pi$$ed of at someone.

  12. do they shite

    nice *** btw

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