
Do voter registrations "expire" ?

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I registered to vote when I was 17 (some people came to my high school and we were allowed to register as long as we'd be 18 by the next election.) This was in 2006. I haven't voted yet and it's been over two years. Do I need to re-register before this presidential election?




  1. If you have changed your address then, you need to register.

  2. I think you only need to register whenever you move to a new residence. Its just so the town can tally you in. If you are still living in the same place, then you should be all set.

  3. Well, like "Angel Aries" says, you have to re-register if your address changes.  I can't remember any other time I registered, and I've always voted, so, I guess that's a good answer.  God Bless you.

  4. This answer depends on your state's election laws. Some states have laws that purge the roles if you do not vote in a certain number of elections. The smallest number I have ever heard of is one federal and two major state elections, for a total of 4 missed elections in a row prior to being purged. Having said that the easiest way is to call your courthouse. They should have a number for the switchboard, the operator will be able to forward your call to the correct office. Ask your questions and get valid answers from people who are responsible for registering people. Then you will know for sure.

  5. no. my dad has lived at same house for 30+ yrs and has not had to reregister.  

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