
Do voters even know how to reclaim the power and get rid of the politicians and lobbyists?

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The U.S. Congress are pretty unpopular but they still show up to collect their pay. Why are they still there?




  1. Obviously they don't  or they would have voted Congress out and sent new into office the last time . Of course that means there would have to be people with integrity running . If we just keep putting the same back in office then it's Americas fault we have the Congress we have .

    There are ways of using the Constitution to clean up our Government and make it work for the People again .

    We have to push Congress to get it done .

    Talk is cheap , we all talk about it , but won't do anything to change it .

    Let someone else do it and it won't get done !!!!

  2. If we get rid of the lobbyists then we would be negating a core part of our governmental system which allows we the people to lobby and communicate with our Representatives.

  3. They are there because they serve in a vital component of our federal system.

    The most amazing thing about our system is that it assumes self-interest, that each member will try to leverage their power to enhance their interests... so, while the government is stalemating we can continue less oppressed.

    Take away the legislative and the system falls apart.

  4. You have to vote them out. So, vote out YOUR congressman, if you think he's part of the problem.

  5. because money is power.  There would have to be a full fledged revolution to change anything

  6. How do you change them without changing the Constitution? And to change the Constitution you need, what, 3/4 of the states to ratify the change? It is daunting but something must be done.

  7. why dont we just f*cking use the power of being human beings and protest, how come no one does sit-ins anymore, how come I rarely see protests working to get organized, honestly we should do something, these people run our lives, OUR lives, and they don't do what we tell them too, what is it the great peter griffin said?  what really grinds my gears? you america ***** YOU!

  8. Politicians and lobbyists are a double edged sword.  But without representation we would fall into something worse like dictatorships.  I can't stand our Governor of Alaska because she fired an excellent chief of police and posed as a republican.  She is a closet liberal!  She had a sixth child and I feel she is using her position as an expensive welfare mom.  She puts her private life too much in her job and I think she should be impeached.  There is nothing I can do about it because too many women love her as a mom and too many men love her because she is a very attractive woman.  I am attractive too so don't think this is jealousy.  She is letting Canada work our gas pipeline  instead of an American company!  People are just so stupid

  9. Are you proposing that the citizens overthrow Congress?

    With ECHELON listening in?

    You're braver than I am.

    What will you replace it with?

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