
Do we Have Any Evidence of What Pelosi's IQ Might Be? Her Schooling is Limited?

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Do we Have Any Evidence of What Pelosi's IQ Might Be? Her Schooling is Limited?




  1. The concept of 'IQ' has been discredited as an explanatory principle for about 20 years. Is YOUR schooling limited? (Take a look at 'Project Zero' at Harvard University Dept. of Psychology.)

  2. it is higher then yours or mcbushes

  3. Based on her job performance, I'd say it's quite low.

  4. When she speaks, she sounds like an air-head.

  5. she went to the Mideast and wore a burka. that just about says it.

  6. her Iq was tested at 65 , but her Dad, a mafia don put her into politics where she could find the ability to communicate with people of her same intelect

  7. No.  and?

  8. I think it's the same as her approval rating.  

  9. I'm sure someone will pull a blog from the daily kos or somewhere showing her IQ to be in the 160-170 range, while Sarah Palin's is may be 70-80, according to kos.   The real moonbat libs seem to place a lot of stock in IQ scores and always have high figures for their people, low numbers for Republicans.   These are usually "estimates" from such respected sources such as kos or maybe huffington post.

  10. judging by her comments 2nd grade maybe a 70?

  11. It may be below the average.  I cannot believe there is anything average or outstanding about this woman.


  12. It wouldn't be hard for a baboon wearing a bow tie to win her position. The only people who elect her live in San Francisco because she is just a Representative.

  13. IQ does not seem to be a requirement for the Democrat Speaker position.

  14. just look at her literary skills

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