
Do we (US) have a suitable missile defense shield on the west coast, Alaska or/and Hawaii? ?

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It just as necessary if not more as the one in Poland, no doubt… China, Korea and Russia could attack from their bases off the Pacific Ocean




  1. We have a lot ICBMs, nuclear subs and tactical aircraft, but no defense shield. As far as I know, no workable defense shield exits. Even individual missile interceptors are very unreliable.

    The proposed U.S./Poland/NATO defense shield is years away from being put into place, and it may never be, hopefully. This is an agreement that can only bring trouble.        

  2. You should google 'Boeing GMD' for the full story.  These are the folks with the government contract to construct and maintain the interceptor defense sites.

    Alaska has sites with intercepter missiles in the silos right now - ready to go.  They add a few more silos each year or so.

  3. Ever hear about Vandenburg Air Base in California..?

    It protects the entire west coast..

  4. I just hope that in the case of ballistic missile attack we have enough subs based around europe, here in merry old England i think we have something ridiculous like one 'stationary' ABM (Anti-Ballistic Missile) launcher.

    Of course, we rely heavily on our navy to shoot things out the sky, so perhaps this is something you could take into consideration as opposed to land-based defences.

  5. The USAF has 3 bases spread across the US from any missile attack. These guys that are stationed here with have one of the most important jobs in the world and do not ever get re stationed. They are very high tech and trust me we are protected. Oh and by the way one of them is in California.

    Lol it doesn't matter what the civilians of California think the government isn't just gonna move those bases because of them. You obviously know nothing, because Hawaii has no missile defense base such as California does, the East coast has one and I forgot where the other one was.

    I wasn't talking about you knowing nothing I was talking about the guy below me talking about we don't have one in California cause the civilians are mostly against the war.

  6. oooh man i very well hope so im here in oregon... and things are getting bad... i hope everyone sure does survive the disaster that the worlds getting into

  7. The missile defence sheild is useless for defence - the technology is nowhere near good enough although it's great for allocationg pubic money (ie. yours) to Bush's friends companies.

    It is not for defence - it's to attack people with: unmoving targets on the ground. And we all know how much the US likes to bomb civilians - just ask the Vietnamese or the Camboidians or the Sudanese or the Serbs or the Lebanese or.........................

  8. there is no functioning missile defence shield.

  9. The west coast due to it's Anti American and Anti Military population is now poised to be the opening, to channel attacking forces into choke points. The west coast is not defended. Alaska and Hawaii are however defended to the teeth.  

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