
Do we all find love in the end?

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Do we all find love in the end?




  1. No, but many people lower their expectations and settle for companionship.

  2. Sadly, we don't. Some of us avoid love, because we fear of the pain that it will bring us if that breaks. Some of us just don't want the responsibility for another person, so they live alone. And some of us are just unlucky to find that special someone.  

  3. We all have love right now. Just because one doesn't get married doesn't mean one isn't loved.

  4. no in he end we lose what we have

  5. sadly, not all of us do.

  6. nature is a reflection of love, ecology is a beautiful system that at some times appears at odds and even cruel yet somehow always works out in some way in the end.

    if you are looking for some romantic love that is a dualistic, soul bound, perfect partnership you'll be sadly mistaken. nothing ever turns out like that, eventually things wear on you and you realize this isn't what you signed up for.

    my advise to anyone looking for love is to stay single, trudge through it and stop looking. have friends, and treat them well. once you begin to realize that you can live a happy life without a partner, incorporate one who has found the same and instead of adding your discontent to someone else you have added happiness.

    if you need any more clarification, or if i didn't articulate myself well enough let me know and i'll try and explain myself.

  7. not necessarily. Some people never find love, and others do and then it turns sour and she bugg3rs off with the milkman and takes half the house off you.

  8. everyone can find love. its a matter if you let yourself love and be loved.  

  9. nope some of us never do

  10. no. thats why there is the term : 'Dying Alone'.

  11. In the end? How rude.....

    Against bottom love!

  12. I'm 62, and don't really know, but keep in touch - I'll be sure to tell you if it happens.

  13. don't go looking for love, love only yourself, love will destroy you in the end, and to answer, we don't find it in the end

  14. If you're determined to find love, then yes.

    With hope, determination, and a drive, I believe anything is possible.

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