
Do we all have a twin somewhere in the world?

by  |  earlier

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Is that true? That would be cool!

thanks xxxxx




  1. I wish not, because I wanna be unique :P

  2. I Have seen mine and blew out

  3. It's possible.  Once my neighbor was on a bus and was upset that I wouldn't talk to her.  Well, it wasn't me on that bus -- it was someone who she said looked just like me.

  4. noo we do not have one..srry but yea that would be really kol

  5. no.  but i have a twin right in this very house!  =]

    oh you mean someone who looks like you, irrespective of relation?  that's probably possible.  maybe.

  6. ♣...maybe we all do...i saw this one guy at church that looked EXACTLY like, glasses, way of sitting down, walking, that freaked me out im serious...♣

  7. I totally believe there is an opposite s*x excatly like you ( no not soulmates) and the people look alike and act alike and everything.. cool idea isnt it! Because i think i found my guys freinds female twin it isnt even funny how alike in every aspect of life that they are.. hehe cool forum!


  8. i think so i found mine she lives in colorado we look the same in every way

  9. somewhere in the i've heard.....

  10. Is that true? Are you stupid?

    Of course we have people that resemle us, it's impossible not to with the amount of people in the world.

  11. No, of course not. If we all had a twin, most of us would know it unless our parents kept us and abandoned our twin and never told us about it.

  12. hi babe plz msn

  13. i don't think so. maybe somebody really really familiar?

  14. I don't know.  I think maybe we do. My ex-husband had a twin but he was bigger we saw him at this bar we used to go to it was crazy they were identical except this guy was 50 lbs more heavy.  

    And my friend Lora had a twin that we never met but random people would come up to her and thought she was thier friend Mora!  Lora and Mora isn't that wierd!  So I think yeah.

  15. No not a twin but a look alike.

  16. yes it is true we do have somebody that resembles us but i havent met myself but people that know me have . the only difference my other half is right handed as i am not

  17. I saw a girl that looked exactly like what my sister looked like when she was younger when I was on vacation in Philly last spring.  My best friend was with me and even said the girl looked just like my sister did when she was younger.

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