
Do we as free citizens have the right to not be forceablly medicated ? ?

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Fluoride & vaccines are forced on the majority of US citizens causing illness and death in many people.

Regardless of your belief in the benefits of these medications do you believe you as a U.S citizen have the right to choose which medications you take ?

Fluoride has caused death and disease in many and now even the FDA is warning new mothers not to use it to make baby formula .

Over 1000 people died in recent years and 11,686 have serious injuries

related to vaccines.

1991-2004 902.5 million was paid as compensation to th injured and families of the deceased. ( no recent report given by HRSA)

While you may believe in the benefits of these treatments and protecting yourself do you believe it should be legal to force medications that could kill a child and disable an adult ?




  1. Everyone except you.

  2. Some things must be done to protect the majority. You would be vaccinated for smallpox if there was an outbreak, and I believe it would be mandatory. Always, the good of the majority outweighs the rights of the one.As it should be.

  3. Your question contains two key words are that part of the answer that you are looking for: free and right. As FREE citizen you have the RIGHT to refuse any service. The medical profession may talk us into taking those medications and we accept.

  4. No one is getting forcibly medicated.  No one has to get vaccinated, and no one has to drink tap water.   It's not like people are being strapped down and injected.  It is always a choice.

    That said, regarding the millions of lives saved by vaccines, it is incredibly stupid not to get a child vaccinated.

    The government also has the right to not allow non-vaccinated children into public schools.

  5. Notice that the lowest rates of diseases with vaccinations are in CHRISTIAN nations. God alone can protect us from the ravages of disease and the nations that rely upon lies and the works of man are the ones suffering. God alone will save and protect us. Vaccines and antibiotics are a lie and a fraud. They are arrogance and presumption. God is striking down the children of fools who have turned their backs upon God and vaccinated their children. Autism is judgment from God for denying him.

  6. While I understand the practice of protecting a large number of people from diseases' transmissin ala Typhoid Mary, to me the over-riding philosophy is property rights.  Namely, I should be the one who owns my body, not the Gummint, not my neighbors, not the insurance industry, and definitely not the DEA, FDA, etc.  

    When governments/mobs enforce laws/customs PREVENTING people from putting things into their own bodies, they also tend to enforce customs/laws FORCING individuals to ingest what they'd rather not.  

    "My mind is not for rent

    To any god or government"

    -N. Peart


    Here is a form letter, for you to refuse any vaccines.

    If you don't want flouride, breast feed your baby and start him/her on juice or any other liquids, when you stop breastfeeding.

    As a free citizen, you also have the right to ignore any red light at an intersection. It's your choice to get smacked by that 18 wheeler.


    if you are going to use yahoo to rant on your personal agenda, at least make a logical argument. No one forces you to take any medication.

  8. Should be, but if you are Abraham Cherrix, and are a minor, you don't have the right to refuse Chemo and will be removed from your parents' custody if they don't force you to take it.

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