
Do we as humans just settle for what we get?

by Guest31889  |  earlier

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Here is an example:

You love this certain restaurant and you really want to eat there because you are in the mood for it. You are close to it but you just pull into the nearest fast food chain.

People just settle for what they get. If they get crappy food or service at a place, they don;t say anything but they end up going back.

Does this make any sense?




  1. Yes, all the time.  People by nature are afraid of change and get stuck into doing their same routines because that is what they know works.  This can also be applied to your analogy of the food restaurants.  Now days you also have to factor in a budget, cost of gas, and time.  However, many times when we are not strained by any of these we continue to go for the sub par because they are convenient.

  2. A lot of times, yes, we do settle for what we just get. But it is like what others have said before me. That's laziness. Other successive people are not like that at all. There are many people in history who do NOT settle for what they just get. They keep on pushing forward.  

  3. From a philosophy point of view it is up to us to mature as we grow. Values are in many what has been given and most do not care to question then as life goes by they seem to forget much of what was before. Some are Idealists and this does not apply.

  4. YES! I think so many just settle for what they can get.  This is the easy route.  People need to aim higher, and know that they deserve more in life.  You see this all the time with women and loser boyfriends.  Why not stay single and available to find that great guy who is meant for you, rather than settle for a guy who just treats you ok, and does not make you feel special... and like the queen in his world?  

    I think when people just settle, they get just what they ask for.  Shoot higher, aim higher and have confidence in your life.  We all deserve wonderful things!

    Thanks for reading!

  5. You shouldn't I dont I set for somthing and get it. As humans we can rise above and set out for what we want. We must strive for although you talk about settlement for whats easy then is it not easy to live with your parents for the rest of your life? Or be a totally lazy unemployed shell? We strive for everything just now adays people seek convience. Brak the convience virus and step into the world see what you want and obtain it!

    with Love

  6. basically yes!

  7. Yes, it makes a lot of cents for corporate america when we are lazy consumers.

    Do we just settle for what we get?

    Sometimes for the moment, while we identify and redress it, I guess would be true.

    But, when you are dissatisfied, and can be specific and kind in relaying that to a person who can remedy or make amends for it; I have found that one is rewarded for the effort and energies.

    However, in your example, I chose to stop at the nearest fast food chain because I didn't feel like the "dog and pony show" at the certain restraunt with great food.  I guess I wasn't really in the mood for the "whole plate" or I would have been more motivated to eat there.

    Perhaps next time, when I am freshly groomed.  :-)

    In joy!

  8. well this is more like being lazy i guess...

  9. A lot of times yes. It is sometimes called "adaptation."

  10. yeah actually, most of the time its just not worth the hassle...believe me i used to be one of those who didnt put up with any c**p...but as you start to realise....sometimes its just not worth it and ya gotta pick your battles

  11. humans have a lot of drive

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