
Do we become MORE or LESS outgoing as we get older?

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Do we become MORE or LESS outgoing as we get older?




  1. It's different for different people. There can be experiences in your life that affect that. If when you were little and you were shy, then you ask somebody to be your friend and they say yes, that could make you more outgoing as you go along. But if the opposite just keeps on happening, they'll become less outgoing.

  2. I think it's different for everyone. My grandma is probably 77-80 yet she's quite the outgoing person.

  3. Emotionally, psychologically, and spiritually we do tend to become much more outgoing as we get older. Dealing with situations and people and society in general, whether good or bad, gives the person the foundation of their knowledge. We take our experiences and build on them, hopefully to help younger people and give them some insight. Having the ability to laugh at oneself is a quality that not everyone has, but sure provides a buffer for future mistakes.

    Physically, unless a person is strong-willed and capable of committing to excellent physical health, I would say that the average person becomes less outgoing. They may still be active in sports or outdoor activities, but generally the older we get, the less active we become. This is just because our bodies wear out. Young people will always have the advantage physically because they have not yet endured enough to become less active. (Wish there was a way I could've kept my energy from when I was 20.....).


  4. Usually more. People tend to be more shy and afraid of others when they are younger. As a person is exposed to more, they tend to get more outgoing.

  5. I think a mix of both.

    You become less outgoing as you become more mature and quiet I think. You have your friends and in some cases your partner so you don't need the attention or new acquaintances.

    But you also become more outgoing, stating your opinions and discussing life experiences. You don't have to care what others think anymore because you've grown into your own skin and found yourself.

  6. if you notice young children, they have such an ease to communicate with everyone, they just ask and say whatever passes their mind, and talk so easily to adults. as they grow up, they may become shy and less communcative.

    but it doesn't happen in all cases.

  7. good question! well what is think is this every phase in ones life has it's characteristics and none is the same it differs from one to the other some are special because it's in them some are special with learning some just go with the flow not knowing what they gain or become but the usual happens like this:

    when u are young you're a bit shy or shall i call it less interacting with others because none goes to a child for information or a speech or some explanation so this results in the child's less talking and the shyness but it wears off once people start accepting you as part of them (like the grown-up society secret group! haha)

    well this accepting starts happening when u turn 13 or 14 but at this point it starts with the 14 year old child hearing the arguments of the older and knowing the answers but choosing to remain quiet, but then as he develops he starts talking and  sharing but mostly at this time he's not got enough information yet so this results at multiple of embarrassing moments for the wrong information given and many times being wrong so he goes in the phase of not communicating again and this results for the next step which is temporarily self isolation

    the temporarily self isolation is a very short period only imagines as a long one becuase of it's case it happens at 14 or 15 when the child (no longer child in his view) believes that he is not understood or will never be understood and he becomes aware of himself but only believes what he wants to believe it is a difficult period for the teenager because if not treated it might turn into depression for the rest of his life or (as he believes he understands everything in his age) he might hurt himself thinking it is the best clue he's got, so it's really hard to mess with his brain when it's got so much to think about it's a short period but rated as the most difficult but it does pass and when it does the teenager might as well remember nothing about it

    phase 4: a long one from the sweet sixteen(which is by the way called like that because it's when the child realizes that life is not that bad and that he is of a mature age now not in between and can arrange his life) and it goes to 18 and maybe 19 as well it is the part where u can describe it as "u know" u know what you're talking about and not afraid of showing it, you might be embarassed some time but u lure your way out of it and not ahsamed to say what's on you're mind this phase is the most one where u can be outgoing because u are simply cheerful, u get your feeling even saddness but u can't help but notice them and react to them...ofcourse it's the time of love and high school and u feel you're growing up and are excited about it, so it is the most liked by people and till then you keep becoming more out going till it's a habbit..

    well going to 20 it is the time when you no longer count your ou going percentage as it became something normal and you start having oer things on your mind like responsibility and work and important stuff , all the time in the 20's you're too busy worrying about how to make a life to connect but you do it and not afraid again

    okay so it goes like that but i'm sorry to say it lessens as u become old because you think that none of what you're gonna say makes sense and some of it might ont interest who you're talking to so you become alone again only to think of those vulnerable moments of 13 and 12

    i'm sooo sorry i took so long i got taken by the flow but i hope i answered you're question in any way soo sorrryyyy!!  

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