
Do we believe BT- Fast Broadband??

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BT to invest 1.5 bln in super-fast broadband. How come I can only get 512 fast BT broadband now with BT. Shocking how bad broadband is in the year 2008. time to do something about it. You have similar problems.




  1. BT doesn't sell by speed, other than by saying "up to 8mb" - they deliver to the limit of the exchange and line in your area.  The downside of that, IMO, is that we all pay the same and get wildly differing results, so I suppose the big issue is getting upgraded technology for all. Things aren't always as you would expect either.  I live in a small village in the UK and my exchange is in a slightly larger village up the road!  I get around 3mb.  I have a relation living in another very small village, in a row of seven houses, yet somehow, there is a line available to this row of isolated homes that supports almost 7mb.  Go figure....  Aren't customers like you and I helping to subsidise the faster access for others while possibly waiting years for ours?

    Having said all that, if BT has announced an investment plan,  that plan could include you.

    Additionally, I sometimes actually feel sorry for BT. Who do so many of us tend to blame if the lines are poor and slow for Broadband?  Yet competition slashes chunks out of their revenues.  We do need competition, yet sometimes it seems a little unfair that we still shout at BT for what we don't get.  How much can we expect BT to spend on technology that rival broadband providers might be able to make use of?  I may be misunderstanding how LLU (local loop unbundling works), but I suspect that - in part at least - BT gets a bum deal.

  2. Time will tell. I guess we will all have to wait until 2012 to find out if it comes to fruition

  3. The speed you get is dependant on where you live and the distance between your home and the local exchange, not the provider themselves. If you can only get 512 from BT, chances are you'll only be able to get 512 from everyone else too.

    Thats not to say I like BT though. I dont use them for phone or broadband, because quite frankly, they're c**p.

  4. Yes, BT is leading a very good service on the broadband service.

    visit at  >Be">Be safe, not sorry. Switch to BT Total Broadband</a>

    for more information.

  5. BTseems to get an awful lot of adverse publicity, but thats probably because it is possibly the biggest ISP...

    Personally, althrough i live in a village i've no problem with their service

  6. I'll believe it when I see it! They only said a few months ago it wasn't cost effective and wouldn't happen according to the new incoming Chairman!

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