
Do we care if Ben Cousins has "gone missing"??

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I cannot believe today's papers bleating how Ben Cousins has gone missing in LA and "there are concerns" as he has not checked into rehab. I am sure that his family are fully aware of where he is, and it is the media who are concerned as they can't take any photos worth a lot of money of Ben being naughty in LA. When will this media frenzy end???




  1. The media care, his family care and his fans care...

    What I care about is him getting treatment when he finally decides to show up..

    He might have just taken a few days for himself before he starts rehab.. I dont think we need to panic just yet :)

  2. I actually don't care where Ben is!

    BUT! Has anyone ever thought that he might be taking some time with his fmily for a few days before he goes back into re hab!!

    Give him a break!!

  3. Ben Cousins does not owe allegiance to any AFL club or anyone else for that matter, about his comings and goings.

    who Say's that he "Has" to go into rehab, for all we know, he may be in rehab, as a voluntary patient, and living elsewhere while being treated. After all, are the rehab staff going to inform the media about his situation, they are bound by a privacy act, or they would get the A##E.

    He is a free agent and can do as he pleases, even be seen eating out at a roadside diner. Shock Horror.

    If Ben was smart he would look at football in the USA.

    Others have.

  4. Nothing Ben Cousins does surprises me anymore. I realized that he'd finally lost the plot when he got that hideous tattoo on his stomach. Getting ready for life after footy with his host of bikie mates (& drug suppliers) I should imagine.

    Does the media's fixation with Ben surprise you?? Jeez, Dianna is dead & Princess Mary has gone into hibernation for the coming northern winter.

    Of course they'll report on his every movement.

  5. No not really, but others do Media do West Coast do but others like me and probably you don't give a stuff its what gets done on field that counts

  6. I was really really worried to be honest.

    i would hate to think he would do something to himself.

    thanks Goodness he is ok!!!!

  7. Has any one thought he may have gone to another rehab to get away from the media for some peace and quiet

  8. No we don`t. This is becoming a joke. Just leave the poor guy alone!

    Must say though, getting picked up at the airport in a Merc by 2 hotties....nice work Benny!

  9. I guess so ...... you've got a few responses

  10. No but the press do they lost one of their meal tickets and good on Ben for avoiding them.

  11. Now he is in LA and paying for it all himself he has decided to skip rehab apparently.  Its the fighting spirit that you like to see, not willing to go down easily.

    Way to go Ben Cousins!

    Even been hanging out with Britney possibly

  12. Personally I couldn't give a rats **** if Ben Cousins has gone missing, he can stay missing for all I care, never really liked him in the first place.

  13. of course we care, im a carlton supporter dont condone what the guy did, but he is a superb talent and he is a recovering drug addict of course were gonna care about him.

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