
Do we definitely ovulate every month or just every now and again?

by Guest58977  |  earlier

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Do we definitely ovulate every month or just every now and again?




  1. You have two ovaries, they take it in turn under normal circumstances to release one egg a month each.

  2. I am also ttc and the doc hasn't been able to detect ovulation for about 4 months now.  She says it's normal not to ovulate every month, but not 4 months in a row.

  3. Yes, most women ovulate every month, not just "now and then".

  4. I used to think I ovulated every month b/c I have a very regular menstrual cycle. I found out just by chance that I wasn't ovulating when I had a biopsy done. I am now on Clomid to help me ovulate so to answer your question every female is different and we don't neccessarily ovulate every month although I wish that were true!

  5. Definitely every month, from alternative ovaries each month.

    In fact, even with just ovary, you will still ovulate once every month because it will work twice as hard to make one every month to compensate.

    There are, of course exceptions with medical conditions etc I suppose.  

  6. i've never ovulated... maybe i should go get checked out..

  7. The normal cycle is to ovulate every month, from alternating ovaries, however, that is not to say every woman does.  I had problems in conceiving my first, as it turned out I wasn't ovulating at all.  My hormone levels were investigated and showed that I wasn't ovulating at all, possibly never had done.

    If you are having problems in conceiving, then go to your Doc and ask about getting checked out.  (Your partner could also be firing blanks or have a low count, so he could get checked out too)

    Hope this helps and not too much info

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