
Do we eat to live or live to eat?

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Do we eat to live or live to eat?




  1. live to eat.  I wish I didn't... it's just I wake up thinking of food and life is just not worth going through without food.

  2. BOTH

  3. I live to eat thank you very much food is good.

  4. IDK but I eat to live how about you??

  5. I think I eat to live... it's diff for everyone.

  6. We do both really.

  7. A bit of both

  8. I eat to live and i live to eat!!! I need food to live and i live to eat the great food on this planet but maintain a healthy weight in doing so:) Gotta keep the heart healthy to " live to eat!" So balance is the key to enjoy and be healthy why doing so.

  9. Both. We have to eat to survive but also live to eat because eating is a pleasrue

  10. eat to live - stimulates the mind :)

  11. A lot of people live to eat I think. But there are some who care about their weight and health, mostly older people when it catches up with them. The young ones eat away hehe.

  12. It varies, some days don't have an appetite, other days just wanna eat and eat and eat.

  13. eh both perhaps, or neither idk

  14. eat to live.

    but some people live to eat and then go crazy because they are overweight.

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