Decades ago NASA's James Hansen was called an alarmist when he appeared before Congress, offered his calculations, and showed that global warming had begun and was "changing the climate now."
Global climate change appears to be challenging our psychological capacitiy to deal with hard news.
If 95% of the world's best, most experienced experts in child well-being were to tell you that your child was under lethal attack -- and with dramatic signs already visible if you only look -- would you say, "I think I'll wait until the other five experts are convinced before I do anything about it?"
Psychologists explain that denial is an inevitable and natural first reaction to such news. We don't want to think we've had such a horrible effect on an entire planet any more than a child wants to believe it can hurt its nurturing parent.
So are we going to fix the roof with your help, or are you going to be left standing out in the rain?