
Do we have a chance against russia?

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What will happen?

What are the chances of the US beating Russia?

Don't forget we always will have backup, esp. Japan, and switzerland or maybe sweden. idk which one but i know they like helping people.

Who's grounds do you think it will be on?




  1. Neither would win. Both can wipe the other off the map, and neither could let the other win...

    US will never chance it. We are spread too thin now. Russia has access to many more ground troops (which is how any fight between us will begin) then we do. Eventually Russia will agree to a cease fire in Georgia (they have not yet done so, only agreements to discuss it... the 'breaking of' stuff is Bush admin propaganda).

    Fear nothing unless Russia starts sending troops into multiple NATO countries... only then should you buy yourself a gas mask and build a bomb shelter in the back yard.

  2. The last thing this world needs is another war .  

  3. Stop the negativity.  Nothing is happening!!!  

  4. personally i think it was wrong for them to invade georgia.  Russia said they would seize fire, but they diddn't.  now there pulling out.  IF they tried to start a war with us.  We would kick their ***.  We are way to advanced.  Plus that, we have people that will back us up.

  5. If there ever is a war USA might beat Russia if they had UK and Australia fighting alongside with them because those 2 countries are the only ones that would probably join the US and it would most likely be us invading them because of the situation in Georgia. Relax there isn't going to be a war anyways.

  6. if the politicans took politics out we would but i know they wont.thats why iraq has taken this long its to much politics. i have friends in the army and navy who are over there and they said the same thing. and it'd be on georiga's ground.

  7. first of all switzerland would never pick a side but back to the question.  Russia and America are both so highly developed so they wouldn't fight each other because both side would be destroyed. Just like what happened in the cold war

  8. Take it easy, they're not coming over here and we can't afford to go over there.

  9. It will never happen if it did every one dies russia, us you name it. the cockroachs will rule the world.

  10. Roter Chaot what are you smoking.  MIRVS and ICBM's are nothing new.  They have been around for decades.  Russias new strategic weapon is suppose to be immune to a missle defense shield.  That's all.

    Ok now to the poster.  In a full scale war of the USA vs. Russia the USA has a very good chance of victory.  We are technologicly superior, and logistically we are able to support a war far from our mainland.  Would the war be easy no way in h**l, would the USA win, sure.  As for our allies depending upon the circumstances they'ld probably help out too.

    Although were did you come up with your potential list of "allies."  Japan would want to fight as they really do not have the strong of a military, we are pretty much their defense.  The Switzs have a history of stay neutral, same as Sweden.

  11. war on russia might happen

    but don't forget russia has the world 2nd strongest army followed with its other ally, china and other small countries

    if there was going to be a war then it would basically be america+britain against russia+china

    those countries are the main countries because they're army are on the top ten and i don't know if britain is higher or china

    the war will be big but i doubt new lands will be took because even if russia was attacked by the americans and the americans lost, do u really think russia will go with other allies to wipe out america and britain

  12. I don't think that we would have any chance at all.  Russia has the manpower because they still draft their soldiers.  Russia has also developed a new, multi-warhead-missile with nuclear warheads that have a range of 6.000 miles.  I would not bet on the U.S. having something like that.  Our troops are already stretched thin by 2 wars, and our air force fleet is starting to look aged to me....not to talk about the long-range missiles--maybe we got them, but I wouldn't bet on it....

  13. my father is a spec ops officer. he always told me that russia will always be the "friend" to keep close but not too close. Now i see what he means. We've been on high alert ever since the invasion of Georgia. Do I think a cold war will spark? its possible but very unlikely. Things are not like they used to be back in WWII during Hitler's time. This is why we learn history so instances such as these are stopped as soon as they happen. The world's response to this matter was quite a shock to me along with the rest of my men. It took way too long to respond to Russia's arrogance. The world does not work like it used to. As soon as Russia even thinks about starting something else, the entire European Union will be on their backs along with the United States. No worries, we're all safe.

  14. No one has a chance against anyone when both sides have nuclear weapons. But, putting those aside ... Russia doesn't have a chance. Btw, Japan doesn't have a real army and tries it's hardest to keep out of wars.

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