
Do we have any Daycare center directors on here?

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I was wondering how you boost morale in Employees?




  1. i just retired as a directer after 25 years.  you need to start with the basics.  when you come in to the center in the morning you should go around and greet every teacher personally.  take time to acknowledge that they are valuable to you by asking how their night was, how they're doing that morning, etc.  at the end of the day when a worker is leaving, be sure and say thank you for the hard work that day.

    you  can also furnish breakfast (donuts, juice, etc) one morning a week.  i always cooked my team lunch one day a month.  i didn't order it, i actually cooked it.  i also would work an hour for each person a month.  i'd pop in their classroom and tell them they had a free hour, have fun.  it was always a surprise so i could easily work it around my free time.  i also gave out certificates for various things (good job, great attitude, going above and beyone, etc).  if you give one, you need to give one to all.  don't ever single out a teacher.  if someone isn't doing their job, pull them into the office and speak with them as a slacker will bring down moral.  so will gossip.  stop the talking.  do fun things with your staff.  with my monthly bonus i'd take mine bowling, or out to laser tag, things like that.  i feel that i didn't earn the bonus alone so i should share it.  sometimes i'd divide it equally with the staff.  make sure they each get a birthday cake and a group card.  remember their special events.  and tell them you appreciate them (give a hug).

    really, the best way to bring up moral is be fun, be friendly and encourage everyone to have fun.

  2. y would u sk that

  3. Your staff needs to feel enthusiastic about coming to work. It should be a fun time for the staff as well as the students. Come up with some kind of rewards program for the employees...perhaps a point system...maybe 50 points could be worth an afternnoon off with pay...whenevery you catch them doing something new and creative, give them a point. If they have a bad attitude, take away a point, etc.

  4. not for a daycare but for a preschool - similar situations

    It is hard to boost morale, I agree - I make sure to listen on a personal level to what my employees are going through and acknowledge their hard work.   If I see them doing something great with a child (which happens a LOT) I acknowledge that with a smile or even saying to the child "gee Mrs. _____ always knows how to make you smile - or how to fix things" - letting the child know how wonderful their teacher is and at the same time, letting the teacher know how wonderful they are to the child.  good luck

  5. why?

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