
Do we have enough rain now?

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For 2 years I've been living in Florida and all I hear when I turn on the weather news is "oh, we need rain because we're having a drought." Do we have enough rain now with TS Fay that they can stop begging for rain EVERYTIME I turn on the TV. I think they should all move to the Pacific NW if they want rain.... I moved to Florida because I thought the sunshine state had sun.... boy, was I mistaken. It rains everyday....




  1. I know what you mean, I live in Spain and it hasn't rained in my area for a long time so we actually would love it to rain this week! But at 30 degrees today I doubt that.

    What I find strange is that in the UK it is always raining in the part of the UK where I'm from, but as soon as the sun comes out the newscasters start saying "there is a water ban, do no use your hose to water the garden, wash your car, etc, anyone doing it will be fined. There is a grave water shortage" What do they do with all the water that has rained down for the previous 50 weeks??

    So I feel for you, you can send it here if you like. Hope you make it through the hurricane season ok when it comes.

  2. man.. come live in australia.

    THEN youll see who needs rain

  3. Hurricane season just started.  And Florida's got a long way to go before it's over.  We're not even in the bad part of hurricane season yet, and we're already up to the letter F with TS Fay.  Look at the bright side.  If the town you live in gets flooded, you can always go to Disney World : )

  4. u should be happy abt rain cause where i live it hasnt rained for 2 years

  5. more than enough

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