
Do we have other lifes after the one we havee if so as what?

by  |  earlier

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Do we live after death? Go heaven? go h**l? come back as ghosts? Animals? ... what do you think?




  1. I believe that we are all energy, within our physical bodies.....that energy never truly dies and in one form or another, we go on, in a much different form than we now have.....I be live that when we die, our souls are released to become one with the vast universe, as if a blue light beam, for example, blue being the hottest flames of any fire! We become a part of the universes energy, without time and with unlimited space.....

  2. theres no such thing as heven or h**l once u die u die u just go blank noting happens u disipear and stop ur living

  3. think we will have to wait till you've been there and you can come back and tell us ..

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