
Do we have paternity leave policy in India?

by Guest32365  |  earlier

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Do we have paternity leave policy in India?




  1. That would be an encouragement to go for more !!

    I am told that they are trying to control population, though without any tangible results.

  2. I assume you are looking for a Insurance POLICY for paternity leave.

    Well actually there is. Only that it is not specific to paternity leaves. It is generic for all types of leaves. It is called "Leave Encashment policy". It can be offered by life insurance companies as a group policy to Employers to streamline their cashflows in case of leave encashment by employees.

    For further details you can contact me on 09322197831 / /

  3. A man will get 7 days leave if his wife undergoes sterilisation (abdominal salpingectomy) operation.

  4. Yes....we do have paternity leave policy in Centeral Govt. Offices. It is for 15 days.

    Eligibility: male Government servent with less than two surviving children.

    Duration: Fifteen days during wife's confinement. To be applied up to 15 days before or up to six months from date of  delivery.

    Not to be refused normally.


    Check out the link, it would help u out

    and checkout the article posted in Times of india....Good Luck

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