
Do we have rebirth? what will happen to our soul?

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Do we have rebirth? what will happen to our soul?




  1. Good question man..

    sadly i do not know

  2. if u mean do we get reborn after we die no eccl 12:6,7 describe it best

    when the golden bowl breaks or the silver cord parts (when u die) the flesh goes back to dust from whence it came (your body decays) and instantly the soul goes back to the Father who gave it (your soul goes to heaven it belongs to God He created it it is His there r 2 sides to heaven the good side (in the presence of God and abraham etc) and the wrong (where those who did not overcome the trials of fleshly earth) God decides which side u go to no one else there is no reincarnation u have 1 shot and 1 shot only to pass your earthly test

    while u r here u r given free will that is to say He will not force u to follow Him he will;l allow you to decide what u want to do and whom u will follow so choose wisely young grasshopper lol love that show

  3. Our Soul, Our Higher Knowing Self, stays with God.

    Us, here and now, our Unknowing Self, born again and again so that we may learn.

    God is Love, Love is God.

    Trust Love.

    Peace, love, calm and positivity to all.

  4. I believe it is born once, then comes's the regeneration. And as the scripture says, "be not afraid of him that kills the body, but fear him that once he has killed the body can thrust the soul in h***s fire.

  5. I'm a Christian and I strongly believe that there'll be no such a thing as rebirth or reincarnation. People who died will just go to either h**l or Heaven.

  6. when this universe will perish,we all will be raised again for eternal life. then those worshiping the only CREATOR of  universe and performing good deeds will go to heaven. And those atheist and polytheist and also among monotheist who used to disturb peace will go to h**l.

  7. Summary Answer:

    Reincarnation is the phenomenon where the immortal soul is continuously born and reborn in any one of 8,400,000 life-forms until it attains moksha.


    The ãtmã is characterized by unchanging truth, consciousness, and bliss. The ãtmã is formless and has always been bound by a kãran sharir (causal body). This causal body is not a body in the physical sense. It is simply an accumulation of the sanskãrs (impressions of past karmas). The pure ãtmã together with this kãran sharir is known as the jiva.

    Because the jiva is formless in nature, without a physical and subtle body, it is unable to enjoy or suffer the fruits of its karmas, nor can it endeavor to attain God. So, out of compassion, God grants the formless jiva a physical and subtle body according to its karmas. Then, just as we cast off old clothes for new, the jiva casts off its old body for a new one – given to it by God according to its karmas. Hindu scriptures explain that the jiva attains the bodies of 8.4 million life forms in rotation and in them, experiences happiness and misery according to its karmas. It is only possible to attain ultimate liberation through the human body. In the Vachanãmrut [Bhugol-Khagol], while explaining the importance of this rare and priceless human birth, Bhagwan Swaminarayan says,

    A jiva squanders its human body, which it receives after 35,000,000 prãkrut-pralays (i.e. 10,886,400,000,000,000,000,000 human years), for the sake of vain worldly pleasures, and by the refuge of a false guru. Consequently, it has to suffer the torments of Yam and the agonies of the pits of narak. Moreover, it receives another human birth in a place where liberation is attainable only after passing through the sufferings of the cycle of 8.4 million life forms, i.e. after another 35,000,000 prãkrut-pralays. This is the interval before one receives a human birth again.

    Therefore, O brother, having understood this today, and having sought the refuge of the Sadguru Sant – the granter of liberation – and having kept your body, indriyas and antahkaran in accordance with his wish, strive for the benefit of your ãtmã and reach the abode of God. If you do not realise this fact today and waste this human body, which is instrumental in attaining liberation, you will have to wait for the aforementioned time before you receive another chance like this. Only after such suffering, and only at the end of that interval will you receive another opportunity to attain liberation, and that too if you strive for it. If you do not, you will not attain liberation. This is a fundamental principle. The wise should ponder over this.

    One with exceptionally good karmas, having attained some form of contact with God or the God-realized S ãdhu, maybe released from having to undertake birth within the cycle of 8.4 million life forms. Instead, he would continue to take human births until, offering devotion to God, he earns the pleasure of God or the God-realised Sãdhu and attains moksha.

    Moksha is ultimate liberation. This is the goal of human life. Moksha is the liberation of the soul from the cycles of birth and death; thereafter, it remains eternally in the service of God in His abode.

  8. it is written in bible as well as quran that there will be life after death....

    the day of judgement

  9. The pathways in my brain and nervous system, as well as the ways other parts of my body are configured, are what go to make my personality and the notion, or illusion, of self. There's no such thing as a soul.

    After I'm dead that configuration is gone, and it can start to go before death. I as a person will be no more; and in the same way I could not have been here "before".

    The molecular components of my body will of course be distributed and some may reappear in other living creatures, but they will then go to make up the new individual, but that isn't the same thing as me coming back or rebirth.

  10. No and nothing.

  11. yes, it will b resouled

  12. No. Exactly what happens to a soft when you unplug the pc: it vanishes in thin air.

  13. It'd be nothing like you could possibly imagine, or want to imagine.

    Part of it is accepting that you are dead.

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