
Do we have statistics on minor girls who go through s*x ed, yet still get pregnant?

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seems like those on the extreme left think that a few hours of class

on the subject is some kind of magic bullet, but i bet the facts would

say otherwise!





  1. s*x ed worked for me. Its just you people with low IQ's who don't learn from what you are taught.

    When I was 12  I had a chance to have s*x with a 23y/o cousin of a cousin but I didnt take it like my friend did because I remembered s*x ed teaching me about aids and herpes and I had no way of knowing if she had it or not. I knew that the older a female is, the more experienced they are and the more likely they are to be carriers of diseases. My teacher told me "condoms can break" and that stayed with me too.

    My IQ is over 131. Some of your kids have IQ's under 100. Of course THEY aren't going to learn from s*x ed or ANY ed. It's not because s*x ed doesn't work. It's because low IQ's don't work. Ever watch a person with a 84 IQ try to solve a complex IQ puzzle?? It's the funniest thing EVER.  And you are like "jesus o mighty!! Can't you see its D?? "

    I didn't wait until 18, but I do thank my s*x ed teacher for giving me the ammunition I needed to protect myself. Sure my parents could have done that too but they didn't.

    I'm not a lefty but I sure expect s*x ed to be taught in school.

  2. despite s*x ed in many schools, studies show that teen pregnancies Increase by 4% In The United States

    they don't know all the reasons why but any woman knows the pressure that men put on women to have s*x.  it is their nature and when we are 'in love' with them, we want to please hen,  so that is probably the major reason young girls have s*x.

    in today's world, they say if you don't, then someone else will and many think they must 'hook up' if they want to be popular only to become the butt of much ridicule, even by the one they 'loved'.

    s*x ed is fine but it will not change much as teens will do what teens do, regardless and this will result in babies as no method is 100% effective and most do not plan on this happening to them.

  3. You could check with Planned Parenthood.

    Many girls who have had s*x education

    come their for their abortions.

  4. This should be in the Society or Pregnancy or Education sections.

  5. Remember when Obama said if one of his girls got pregnant he would get them abortions- SICK!    That is the lazy way out!   They just don't want to be bothered with the life and would rather murder it!    Good for the Palins!   They are awesome!   Palins set a GREAT example!   Sarah did not abort  the down sydrome baby, she is a loving unselfish person that I would LOVE to have lead our country!   Down Sydrome kids are great people!  They deserve to live just as much as anyone else!    They actually make parents stronger and more loving- helps them grow~!

    Obama is totally for allowing down sydrome babies get aborted in the late term stages!  

    RE:  I think 99% of teens that get abortions REGRET IT Later in life and probably think about it everyday until the day they die!   Not many teens are mature enough to think about other people, mostly just think about themself-  when they are out in the world all grown up get married etc. its then when they feel they made a mistake getting a abortion.

  6. That's like the case of Roe vs Wade     Back then there were not as many options to unwed mothers as there is today and yet  we still allow abortions  

  7. Good question.  

    The abstinence folks don't believe in s*x ed.

    Kids are influenced by peer pressure and not by what happens in school --- UNLESS:  They are guided carefully into productive and constructive activities that fill their lives until they are in college, or at least 18.

    If you do that from a young age, it's harder for the kids to succumb to peer pressure.

    Palin spent too much time in the woods shooting caribou in the head.

    She should have been monitoring her teenage daughter.  With hormones raging, teen girls can be completely out of control.  (Not all, but some)

  8. No, go find them. At least the girls have a choice. Abstinence is Medieval

  9. "No, go find them. At least the girls have a choice. Abstinence is Medieval"

    Are you absolutely out of your mind?  Nowhere has it ever been found that s*x education in school is an effective deterrent to teen pregnancy.  As a parent, I've found that talking to my children myself has been very effective, at least so far.  Does that mean that it will continue to be that way and that my kids will not have s*x before they get married?  Of course not!  However, I would rather take my chances on doing my own brand of intervention than worrying about some over zealous human development teacher handing out birth contol or condoms to my daughters.  It is not their place nor is it their job to teach MY children about the dangers and consequences of having pre-marital s*x!

  10. no but I did a research paper on abstinence only education in college and it does not work there are statistics to back this up

    EDIT: we need energy ^^^^ do you think bristol had a choice she had to keep the baby do you think her mother would have let her get an abortion

  11. Some of these young girls are just going to do as they please no matter what kind of intervention is in front of them.

  12. The teen pregnancy rate in the United States is more than twice that of many European countries that advocate comprehensive s*x education and accessible contraceptive services.

  13. Girls who have s*x ed have 60% fewer pregnancies than girls with no s*x ed, according to the talking heads on GMA.

  14. most birth control methods are less effective on teens and they still have a chance of getting pregnant.

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