
Do we have the right to say something in not art?

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I just asked a question on the Religion section and was told that some things are not art. But if something is done, for no purpose other than to be art, is it not art?

Whether it is good or bad art, we can have an opinion on, but we can't say something is not art, if its creator tells us it is.




  1. In the twentieth century, especially now in the postmodernist era, a person can mount a urinal on the wall and call it art.  As a matter of fact, it has been done.

    You are free, of course, to say "to me, this is not art" or "as art, this does not work at all for me."

    Harleigh Kyson Jr.

  2. I'm an art major and I just had to jump on this. I'm not sure if I'm answering the question or not, but I think art is really what you make it. Its more of a personal interpretation. Our minds can make pretty much anything into art, and thats the beauty of it. So, I guess to answer the question, it's not a matter of saying "yes" or "no", because you can't really generalize people's personal perceptions (that alliteration wasn't intended)

  3. Some people say scribbles are art while others don't. Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder, right?

    I believe that anything can be art, but I'd prefer to see things that are pretty much censored and not gruesome.

  4. Art is purely subjective - one may find beauty and/or appreciation where another does not. There's not a solid foundation for the definition of art, and there never will be, because art is defined by indefiniteness. :]

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