
Do we have the will to stop global warming?

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With gas prices comimng down a little, television commericals are pushing buying SUV's again. We are contining to make the people rich who are out to detroy us. Do we have the will to stop this madness.




  1. My personal opinion is that no one can stop global warming or global cooling, or just any old climate change in general.  The earth is a huge system that operates in its own semichaotic way and we people have little ability to affect any significant modification to its function.

    However, I am in complete agreement with the idea that we people fail to take advantage of our circumstances to adapt our behavior into a more balanced mode with our surroundings.  Just because we cannot affect the weather doesn't mean we can't ruin the soil, the water, and the air in a way that is bad for people, nor does our dependancy on foreign oil sources do any good for the economy or security of the country.

    Whether global warming is caused by CO2 emissions primarily and dominantly or not, there are numerous compelling reasons to learn to use our resources more wisely and to decrease the negative impact of our society on the environment.

  2. If we have the will we have the way. It is only a proverb. In my experience it is false .Because I am the one issued the warning 2 hours before Tsunami struck our coast and I have also issued denial reports on other occasions. I am running pillar to post from the past 3 years to educate the connected people in disaster management to explain how it was possible for me when others failed. But nobody shows interest to find the fact.

  3. You do! Just start recycling and picking up litter, planting trees, walking, riding your bike, taking the bus and other good green stuff to rebel against those rich b*****s or you can also just go amish. That would sure be a big slap in their faces. It'll also be nice if you stop wasting energy but going on the internet. :]

    Good luck. And the future generations will thank you.  

  4. Will?  Can you will a hurricane to stop?  No.  Global warming is a natural event.  Nothing is going to stop it.  The only madness is the ignorance most people have about the issue.

    You really want to do something for the betterment of humanity and Earth: don't have any children.

  5. You're very observant and that is just how it goes....when the prices go up its all about conservation conservation conservation.  Then they go down a little bit and that word is thrown right out the window.  Its amazing how readily Americans can committ to repeating their own mistakes.  its not even like the prices are coming down that much.  If gas spiked to 3.80/gallon and not 4.00/gallon then that owuld be an outrage.  Frankly that difference isnt much and the prices are still way too high.  

    But you are absolutely right in the fact that it has not stopped people from pushing SUVs and throwing out conservation again.  With that said, we do not presently have the will as an overall country to fight global climate change.  Dont get me wrong, some people do.  However, more than half the country doesnt understand the issue and therefore do not beleive in it.  We need to get everyone to understand the issue and beleive that it exists before we can make any real progress towards solving the problem.  That is much easier said than done (take for example the Global Warming section on YA).

    Its like the old saying goes......those who don't learn from their past are condemned to repeat their mistakes.  

    As a country we are not prepared to deal with climate change and that is seen in everyday life.....looks like gas is 3.65/gallon by me in NJ....i guess that means I should run to the hummer dealership....

    its painful sometimes.....

  6. What global warming ?

    That is a myth.  

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