
Do we have to be younge to start playing the violin? or could we be like around 11-16 to start?

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Do we have to be younge to start playing the violin? or could we be like around 11-16 to start?




  1. I started when i was 11 but it really doesn't matter, You can;t put an age range on music!

  2. For one, you can be any age to start playing the violin. Second, in my opinion, the violin is VERY easy to learn. Be patient, but have fun.

  3. You can start the study of the violin at any age.

  4. I'm 25 and have just decided to start.  If I can do it, YOU can do it.  It all depends on your love for the music and how much you are willing to practice.

  5. doesnt really matter! bring out the music and rock!!

    i know u got it in u!!!

  6. You can take up the violin or any instrument at any age...even senior citizens are learning how to play instruments, too.

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