
Do we have to give away our kitties?

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we recently bought two beautiful adorable kittens which we love dearly. The problem is one of them (we're still unsure which) is refusing to use the litter box we bought. I am finding both number 1 and 2 everywhere! More than once on my nice folded newly washed clothes in a hamper. I don't want to have to get rid of them but am at my wits end. I have tried moving the litter box. Not working. And it's not in one particular spot they are going, but everywhere. Any advice?




  1. Uh. You do realise that when you get a cat you have to train them to use the litter box?

    You really should've have done some research before you got your kittens. And you should have got one, if your close to getting rid of them clearly you are not ready for the responsibility of a pet.

    Watch them and when they look like they will go to the toilet pick them up and put them in the litter box. And if you see a number 2 put it in the litter box.  

  2. maybe you should try talking to a vet, they might be able to help you or you could train them, if you choose to do that well gud luck with that

  3. The link below may help you. Never had a cat that didn't go in the litterbox myself. Good luck.  

  4. no when ever they look like going bring them to the box and keep them with older more experinced cats with the box they will follow by insticnt

  5. Apparently a lot of people aren't willing to do some work. When an inconvenience comes along it's time to get rid of it. When you see it going to a dark place take it to the litter box. If you see it starting to go to the toilet take it to the litter box and stay with it untill it does it's business. Animals have accidents as well as children but you don't get rid of THEM do you. You teach it, the same as you do with an animal.

    Just be patient and keep your eye on it, and every time you see it starting to go to the toilet put it in the litter box, it'll soon get the jist of it.

  6. I know what you are going through.  I am dealing with the same problem with my new kitten right now.

    Take a deep breath.

    Be patient and calm.

    Take your kittens to the litter box several times a day/night.  Just show it to them.  They might not stay in it, but show it to them so they can learn where it is.  Put their waste into the box, then show the kittens.  Help them to smell that their waste is in the litter box (be gentle).  Just like a toddler/child, try to be patient and help your new babies learn.

    What I have done is [while I am not at home], I created a nursery in my laundry room for my new kitten.

    I made sure that all cords/vents/etc. were clear for the baby.  

    I put 2 pillows, a sheet, a few toys, and a dirty tee of mine in an area for a "bed" for her.  

    I put wet food, dry food, and water in another area, and a shallow litter box in another area.  That is where I typically keep the litter box, so I want to try and reinforce that That Room is where she needs to Go.

    I keep the kitten in that room while I'm away.

    At first, I felt guilty about keeping the baby in the laundry room by herself all day, but I think it is for her best.  And the room is much bigger to her than it is to me!!!  And hopefully, she will use the litter during the day -- and learn to use the litter always.

    It is in experimental stage right now, but don't give up on your babies!

    Just keep trying.  They need your help.

  7. The first thing I would do is take a trip to the vet to make sure that one of them doesn't have a urinary infection.  It's good to rule that out just in case, plus they're probably due for their first kitten exam anyway.

    Try confining them to a smaller area like a single room or area of the house.  Place several litter boxes in their of different sizes.  Try experimenting with different litters, many cats prefer a fine grained clay litter.  

    Place the kittens in the litter box after each meal and encourage them to stay there.  Stir up the litter to try to get them interested in it, you can even gently move their paws along the litter.

  8. keep them in a closed off room for a while with the litter box, they will get the idea! Good Luck!

  9. Try getting another litter box, one per kitten.   You must have clean litter in the litter box, it needs cleaning every time it's used if that's possible.   You could also try changing the type of litter, don't get anything perfumed.   Ask the people you got the kittens from which brand they used and see if they have any ideas.  

    Whenever you see the kittens waking up from a nap, put them in the litter tray.   Shortly after they've eaten, put them in the litter tray.   Put them in before you go to bed.  

    It's very unusual for kittens to be dirty, they're not like puppies.   So perhaps a call to the vet would also be a good idea.   Don't give up, it will sort itself out soon.   Don't be cross, that will just scare them and achieve nothing.   Just keep plonking them in the box and the message should get home soon.

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