
Do we have to have Gary glitter back in the UK.?

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Garry Glitter is going to be deported back to the UK (Sigh)

Do we have to have this t**d bag living in the UK.




  1. when have you known us not to take anyone in / back,    

    our doors are open to  scroungers,  foreign people that want an easy life  etc...thats why the country is on its knees.....

  2. Well the only thing I can say is I am sure the British public are hardly gonna make life easy for him.....

  3. Yep.

    He's a British citizen, which makes him our problem.

    If we fail to keep that dog on a short lead and he gets at any more kids this country will have failed them.

    What a national embarrassment that creature is, though.

  4. Yes, he is a British citizen. He has served his sentence and is therefore entitled to live in his own country.

  5. I don't think his intentions are to stay in the UK. He'll disappear again.

  6. Yes we do, but I really think he will be kept an eye on, the press wont leave him alone for 5 minutes, he will be followed and stalked until he dies.

  7. Unfortunately yes due to the laws and the fact that he has done his sentence, however in my opinion he should spend his life behind bars...

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