
Do we have to pay income tax?

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Do we have to pay income tax?




  1. You don't HAVE to but you'll receive a nice vacation in the federal pen

  2. if you have an income.  

  3. Yes. It's the law of the land.*

    Regardless of what some fringe looneys might try to tell you, there is nothing "unConstitutional" or illegal about the government requiring the people to fund the National budget by a system that includes an income tax.

    The tax code is written in such a way, however, that if you don't earn much, you won't pay any...

  4. Since the IRS can come and arrest you, and put you in prison for tax evasion, I'd say Yes.

  5. No. there are forms you can fill out to be exempt from tax paying.  

  6. Uh huh.

  7. If your income is over the filing requirement, you do.

  8. no you dont if you make under $1500 (that # changes all the time tho) or if you want the IRS to come hunt you down which they do you think they get mobsters in evasion...g.luck with everything though

  9. If you make enough money, yes Federal tax.

    Depending on which state you live in you may also have to pay state income taxes

  10. Yes, with the creation of IRS it also gave them power to collect income taxes.  Many people try spout that the government has no right to tax your income, and there is no specific law in the constitution giving them the right to do so.  However, many people do not understand that when a bill is passed that creates an agency that is an offshoot of the government itself its gives that agency the power to govern its arena as it sees fit.  Which means if they say everyone has to pay income taxes then it is law.

  11. Amendment 16 - Status of Income Tax Clarified. Ratified 2/3/1913. Note History

    The Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes on incomes, from whatever source derived, without apportionment among the several States, and without regard to any census or enumeration.


  12. Absolutely.  Ask Wesley Snipes.  He believed somebody's BS about it being a voluntary system and that no law exist requiring us to pay.  And he has a few years in prison to decide how wrong he was.

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