
Do we have to suffer Gail in lovey-dovey mood again?

by  |  earlier

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Aaargh ... the chinless wonder in close-up. It's more than my stomach can handle. Make it stop.

... there's a question in there somewhere, honest!




  1. Gail must be a good character, played by a fine actress, if the part can upset you so much.

  2. There should be an off button on your remote or TV set.

  3. I've got another two words for you - TURN OFF - or - SWITCH OVER!!! No, you don't have to watch it - you could come here instead.

  4. WHY DO YOU WATCH THIS c**p..don't you find it depressing. thta's the main reason i don't ...they all live on one street nothing ever happens except depressing things. people watch and think they have to act like that and that's the real depressing thing

  5. It's not very nice to watch, espescially if you've just eaten!

    Pass me a bucket!!!

  6. i only watch  it for carla mmmm .

  7. Oh come on, be fair.

    There is someone for every one.

    Although I have to wonder where he keeps his guide dog.

  8. yep get ready for that annoying head squint and plenty more blinking - drives me nuts

  9. i`ve only got two words to say to you

  10. its sick isnt it lol i much prefer the miserable gail.. haha

  11. When she puts on that sickly smile I want to scream....!!!!!

  12. It's making me queasy.

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