
Do we have too many or too few freedoms in America?

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During a protest of the Iraq war on Hollywood Boulevard, there was an older British couple who were vacationing and watching the spectacle. A motorcycle cop stationed at a corner to maintain order with another twenty or so motorcycle officers remarks to the couple "We have too many freedoms in America."

As an example, a protest march in Hollywood always draws out unusual characters as the man who dresses as Zorro. With masked face, he dances along with the marchers.

Afterwards, when the crowd has stopped marching and is clogging the street listening to music and the march organizers are trying to whip them into a frenzy, he wanders into a Burger King. The server behind the counter thinks nothing of his attire. She's seen it all before. It is Los Angeles. His sword remains sheathed. She dreams of her home in Guatemala where many people are poor but less bizarre.




  1. well with prices going higher in America, i don't know what freedom we are having, h**l we are paying for it.

  2. Too little, look to France they know how to shank the cage and get their representatives listening.



  4. I think liberties in USA are kind of screwed on backwards.  The authorities are very restrictive about silly non-issues and incidents, and far too lax about major problems.

  5. Entirely too few. As a libertarian, I think that freedoms are the backbone of a great country.

  6. I definitely don't think we have too few freedoms. However, what I see as becoming a big problem is this growing issue of entitlement. People think they are entitled to so much. They're becoming very spoiled. They're ungrateful. They don't know what hard work is. They want the government to pay their way. That's not freedom, that's bondage.

  7. no no no, it's not the protest that draws out unusual characters--it's Hollywood. It's not that we don't have enough freedom, our constitution provides us with all of that...but there's a HUGE and growing sentiment that "anyone who protests is a mischief maker"

  8. It's not that we have too many freedoms, it's just that too many people don't know where the line is between enjoying the freedoms we have, and abusing them.

  9. We have too few freedoms.

  10. I dunno, we do have too many freedoms when it comes to n***s with free speech. Other than that, I think we are just fine.

  11. if the democrats get elected then our freedoms will be shrinking, starting with the freedom of speech

  12. Well your example to me doesn’t underscore that freedom is being practiced in excess here.  There is nothing wrong with being eccentric, as long as it isn’t hurting anyone else in any major way (by hurting I am not talking about people’s feelings, I am talking about life and limb).

    There are certain aspects of our country where we have too much freedom, and there are certain areas were we don’ t have enough freedom.  The litmus test that we apply to determine when freedom is appropriate or excessive is if our rights infringe upon the rights of others. For example, in this country most of our medical system is privatized. Now this right to privatized medicine does allow people within the medical community to not only earn a decent living, but many times an opulent one. Yet this right to wealth is done at the expense of equal access to healthcare for everyone. This is where our rights are too excessive. On the flip side of the equation, our rights to free speech have been curtailed by censorship rules, which I believe, encumber the clear expression of thought. This is where we have too little freedom.

    Though our land has been known to be a bastion of freedom, we still have a long way before we achieve a perfect balance,  which is of course assuming we can come up with some sort of agreement as to what a  Ã¢Â€Âœperfect balance” is.

  13. too little and much at the same time.

  14. many if compare to malaysia

  15. There is no such thing as too many freedoms! The Founding Fathers gave America a Constitution to protect them.

  16. too many. people with 8 DUIs get off with a warning. 94% of people get away with rape. its ridiculous. there are way to many freedoms. certian things should be restricited that aren't

  17. Too few.

    Why does a costume bother you?  You seem rather small-minded.

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