
Do we lack team spirit in india?

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Do we lack team spirit in india?




  1. no

  2. we lacked team spirit earlier but not now

  3. i guess you could put it that way..

    India is a country with a very high power distance index and masculinity, which basically means that people take care of them self

  4. we don't lack team spirit in India,we don't get good guidance (coach).Politics have spoiled everything in India.

    let's see.......what will b the future of this country........

  5. Not really.

    We don't lack anything we have something extra in "Indians" as whole, take it easy attitude.

    Its common thing in Indians that when they are near finish line they start taking it easy, "Oh, I'm there already so why bother running harder".

    Just like pants and animals adopt to the environment so do people's minds, this is why people from different region of the world act in a different way.

    Europeans had to endure harsh cold climate during winter, thus their attitude is to keep trying to survive as summer is around the corner.

    People from desert know that its going to be hard so its now or never this is why most of the people who are from desert climates have no patients.

    India has short not so hot summers, nice winters, good rain and that has made people of India lazy lay back attitude toward life, as it doesn't matter because we'll get there.

    This is the problem with Indian team, when they are winning all of a sudden they would lose and if they are losing they aren't going to try any harder.

    Most of the "Aggressive" players in Pakistani team come from far north where their is harsh climate "Now or never".

    While on other hand even though Australia has harsh climate, but these people evolved in Europe the ideology of keep trying the summer is around the corner, this is why they succeed.

    This isn't something that could be changed over night but this behavior could be changed by using psychotherapy.

    But again this applies to India as whole not only Indian cricket team, Indians only work hard when in trouble, rest of the time they have layed back attitude toward life.

  6. I do not think so.The current Indian team does not lack team spirit.It's a very good unit and the guys are very competitive.

    What we lack sometimes is focus.

  7. not really,team spirit goes with success.more the success ,more the spirit.we are overloaded and overburdened ,on the other hand we try to compete in between ourselves rather than competeing with others.,,a famous saying an old man told me,,,,"one indian can beat ten japanese,,but ten indians can not beat one japanese",cause we try to pull our own legs,,"but we are the best,i know that"

  8. no ! we will win asia cup !

  9. Yes at the same time No

    At sometimes you feel like there is no other nation with such a team spirit, but other times you are in way hating them.

    I feel like most of the players have good talent, but after their places are permanent in the squad, they go like they don't even know the game. Also there is a there is a gap in spirit between the rookies and old players. Also I think the selection committee shows  a bit partiality. Players wit poor performance MUST be dropped even if he is a big or Small man.

    Anyway the players are good talented and they wil be unstoppable if they show more team spirit and commitment to the Game.


  10. India lacks unity and with out unity team spirit is a distant dream.

  11. yes (or no)

  12. yes just look at football we suck and in cricket we suck...we suck at every sport...and cuz of cricket no other sport cn rise..

  13. yes we do & with that we do lack winning spirit too

  14. yes, we do.

  15. No, we don't lack that, we're full of team spirit but co-ordination is a bit different word.

  16. yeah!! we should **** out the old players they are going crazy............ accept SACHIN

  17. yes

  18. Yes. I give personal answers.

  19. no nt at all

    india is best at everything remember it

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