
Do we live IN A BUREAUCRATIC society?

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Do we live IN A BUREAUCRATIC society?




  1. If you are in America, you definitely live in a bureaucratic society.  America is completely over-regulated with tons of red tape, regulations that were created with the best of intentions.  These regulations govern virtually every action of our lives from housing to employment to recreation.  The belief is that we can reduce or eliminate all risk or unfairness in the system by making all of these rules, but in the end, it has caused more problems than these rules have fixed.  Phillip K. Howard wrote an excellent book titled "The Death of Common Sense" that discusses this in good detail without being tedious or boring.

  2. depends - where do you live?

    If you live somewhere like spain, italy, portugal or any country that was ever colonised by them, and especially black african and latin american countries, yes, you live in a bureaucratic society.

  3. yes, America was found on the red tape, the fun part is finding  your way through it.

    For example if you have ever been in a line waiting for something, and then get transferred to another line where you have to fill out a different form just to return to the line you were already in. That is Bureaucracy, you will see it everywhere you look

  4. Absolutely...the real power in this country lies in the hands of some menial clerk who is justifying his (or her) existence by the amount of obstructions they can create...all in the name of accuracy and correctness.

  5. I never heard of any 'society' as bureaucratic! Few of us live under some bureaucratic persons inside a Govt. or State. Especially country like my Bangladesh, Pakistan & other Third World under-developed countries.

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