
Do we look a like??

by  |  earlier

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Okay, my sister and I are 3 years apart, and a lot of people say we look a like, and that I will look a lot like her when I'm older. So are health teacher assigned us, to figure out what other people say. We are supposed to see how many people agree and disagree. So basically I'm asking for your opinion for my assignment! Its a stupid assignment but bare with me! thank you so much!

(thats my sister)





  1. yeahh a litttttttte :)

    both really pretty

  2. Enough that I'd know you two were sisters, but not enough that I'd say that you look alike.

  3. you are both very pretty

  4. Why this crab expression on the mouth? You are alike on this.

  5. OMG yall are gorgeous furreal

  6. u guys look like twins!!!

  7. Your sister kinda looks like Amanda Pete in that picture.

  8. Well you look like sisters but exactly alike, but you do look similar! and by the way you are both very beautiful!!

  9. I think u look alot alike

  10. You are sisters. You look very much alike. But you are cuter.

  11. not really

  12. You both look alike, you are prettier because you are not making a goofy face.

  13. You do but she has a squarer jaw then you and her eyes are more about then yours.. she has fuller lips i looked at both of them a few times but over all yes u do.. next time have body shots too... sthat would be esayier

  14. first isnt nice looking

    and 2nd one is gorggeeee

  15. yes you both look alike,, everyone says th EXACT same thing with me nd my sister.. were 2 yrs apart.. i dont think we look alike at all tho,,

    she has brown hair nd is taller but i have blonde hair and im smaller.. plus shes like a nerd nd im like exact oppisite..



  16. Ditto....
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