
Do we look really bad in this picture?

by  |  earlier

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well,we were at the JB concert in va beach,and this is the only picture left on my phone,(we accidentaly deteted the others)and i dont really like it,but what do you think?

myspaceit or not?




  1. my space it

  2. not

  3. you guys look fine in the pic.

    the one closest to the camera looks uber hot.

    (ps-- whats with all the people on here with perfect english, but have german tinypic accounts... it took me for ever to learn english and i've forgotton most of my german now)

  4. myspace it.

    i like it.

  5. you pretty ladies look great, ur actually really hot, and it should go on ur myspace page, and e-mail me if u wanna be my contact, plz

  6. I like it (: the one in the front looks fierce.haha lol sorry im watching americas next top model. i really like it :D

  7. I like it...Put it on myspace it's cute!  OMG I wanted to go to that concert really bad!  I'm looking for tickets to one of their next concerts!!!!  I ♥ The Jonas Brothers!  Especially Nick!

  8. Not at all.  The girl in the back who is NOT taking the photo is gorgeous!

  9. its ok. but how could u delete others?

  10. It looks fine :D

  11. the girl in the back looks ugly but the girl in the front looks ok

  12.    yes that pic is neat it. it looks like you took it at a photo shop because of all the people in the side of it

  13. I think it is really cute and you should put it on your myspace.

  14. it's reli cute and even if it wasnt if it marks a special memory den flaunt it! x

  15. pretty[:

  16. I Would.

  17. no

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