
Do we match astrologically?

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boy-31/12/1986 born in trivandrum at 00.10 hrs

girl-04/03/1986 born in trivandrum at 04:00 hrs




  1. they do not match.only 14 points out of 36.not good.1.maahendram 2.stree dergham 3.yoni 4.raasi 5.vasyam 6.rajju are all not all bad results.only 1.dinam 2.ganam are good.of course these two give good luck. the moon signs are 'dwi dwadasa' means mental disagree ment.moon controls mind.more over the boy is younger to girl by 9 months.both h;scopes suffer from kaalasarpa both can become very good friends because the boys lagna lord saturn is in 3 rd in the girls one and the lagna lord mercury of the girl is in again 3 rd house of the boys.3 rd house is friend ship.

  2. big fat monkeyssssssss!!! (are s**y) shh. dont tell big mama!!

  3. No. Too many opposite signs. Trivandrum is in India! lol didn't know that

  4. Astro analysis is not favourable. It is better to consult with a vedic astrologer with considerable experience and knowledge and to sit and look at the negative and positive nature, speech, actions and qualities of each other and decide how much and how far they can be tolerated in a situation of life time commitment and be honest.

  5. Both of you are Tigers (Chinese zodiac) and the guy is a Capricorn and you are a Pisces. This is a good match.

  6. The boy's Varan is Kshatriya, while the girl comes under Brahmin Varan. A combination that could be binding if envy does not get in the way. If they can think in terms of "we" instead of "I", they can achieve a lot together. No problem will too great for them, if they meet it in the true spirit of cooperation. At times, boy's behaviour may be general by ego and he may find it difficult to adjust himself with the girl's attitude. In turn, she may feel that the boy ignores her and does not applause her sincere efforts and hard work as far as domestic affairs are concerned. If other gunas are matched well, then this alliance may be taken into consideration.

    The boy's vashya is Manav and the girl comes under Vanchar vashya. This combination indicates cold, emotionally distant relationship. The natives can encourage foolish and unrealistic opportunism in each other. The boy may try to get involved in logical falacy, which she may ruled out strait away. In turn, he may be governed by her own set plans and strategy, which he will refuse to accept. A difficult combination, but if the over all compatibility is there, it may be approved for an alliance.

    The Tara of boy and girl matches with each other. They are reasonably compatible. Both have the same warm and stable nature. An idealistic and conscientious couple who will seek and value each other's opinions. At times both will stimulate each other towards creative self-expression. Their family life will remain quite harmonious and in the midst of difficulties, they will encourage each other not to loose heart and face the awkward situations boldly.

    The boy's yoni is Swan and the girl comes under Mrig yoni. Each has a different approach to life. He is cautious, tenacious and strong willed. His goals are long terms. She is adventurous, mercurial and impatient. She cares more for the joys of the moment. He is consistent in his endeavours. She is impulsive quick witted but inconsistent. He finds her irresponsible and hard to keep up with while dislikes her serious, calm and deliberate mental deduction. Not a very satisfying union for either. Sexually, they may have difficulty to develop a pace with each other.

    The boy's rasi lord is Jupiter and the girl comes under Mars lordship. This is a very good combination for constructive, practical co-operation in family and domestic affairs. The natives can also work together effectively in corporate business enterprises relating to law, publishing, education, religion, hospitals, institutions or handling affairs of the deceased. Generally, these natives will encourage each other's effort at physical, spiritual or personal self-improvement. The boy can help to channel the energy of the girl into constructive action. The girl will help the other to put educational, philosophical or religious goals into action.

    The boy and the girl both come under Rakshasha gana. This is one of the best combination as far as gan guna compatibility is concerned. The natives bring out each other's qualities of patience, hard work, prudence and fore sight. In marital relationships, this combination enhances the durability of the union. The natives adherence to principle and mutual responsibility will make them stead fast and loyal friends. There could be mutual mutual interest in making the home a place of peace, spiritual retreat, mediation or religious or educational activity. Both natives will be interested in helping those less fortune than themselves.

    The boy's nadi is Aadi and the girl also comes under the same nadi. Since, both constellation falls under the same nadi, which is not a healthy combination for the longavity of the wedding life. However, if the both constellations are identical but in different charan or pad. There would be no danger of what so ever. In this context, one can always go for alliance without giving second thought to the proposal.

    Maximum Score Possible = 15

    Total score for gun-matching of boy and girl is 15 out of 36. Minimum needed score is 18. " So marriage is not recommended "

  7. Out of 36 koot-milan-gunas you are earning only 14 gunas due to some koot-doshas viz.varan,yoni,bhakoot and nadi dosh etcBut because your birth-rasi lords viz. jupitor and mars are mutual friends,all such doshas except nadi dosha stand cancelled.

    As regards nadi dosha it also stands cancelled under different rule in this regard.Boy's birth star is moola-4th paad and of the girl is jayestha-3rd paad.There exists no paad-vedh between the two hence this dosha gets cancelled under the 4th rule in this respect.

    Now because all the doshas standing cancelled at least half of their values already deducted are to be recouped and added to the total thus making the total 14+11=25 gunas earned by you which are quite good for matching.  

  8. Inter-planetary aspects

    These concern the possible relationships between two charts: especially the emotional relationship , but also those on the social, intellectual and spiritual levels.

    266 Conjunction Moon - Mercury

    Positive aspect: Ideal aspect for a couple, they will have lots of interests and projects in common, they will understand each other perfectly, feeling what the other feels.

    252 Sextile Sun - Moon

    Positive aspect: It's an excellent aspect for a union: they are made to go well together, to understand, appreciate, love and complement each other.

    -194 Square Mercury - Mercury

    Negative aspect: Not favorable for communication.

    174 Conjunction Venus - Mars

    Positive aspect: This is a union that is particularly based on physical understanding, passionate love.

    -153 Square Sun - Saturn

    Negative aspect: They are certainly not made to live together. Saturn is too harsh, rigid and likes tranquility too much for the Sun. Neither will feel happy in this relationship.

    148 Conjunction Sun - Jupiter

    Positive aspect: Here is a couple you like to be with. They are charming, agreeable and know how to entertain their friends generously and warmly. They go well together, and love each other in a discrete and sincere way, and appreciate the joys of life together.

    -142 Square Mars - Jupiter

    Negative aspect: They are too different to get on well together, they can never understand each other, and conflict and an aggressive atmosphere will result.

    -111 Square Venus - Uranus

    Negative aspect: A meeting that can only be passing and highly disappointing.

    106 Trine Venus - Venus

    Positive aspect: Very good aspect for a successful union. Love, gaiety, understanding, everything for getting on well together.

    104 Conjunction Mars - Saturn

    Positive aspect: A life together without any problems, love will develop into friendship, they will understand each other and go well together.

    An indication that they will both be faithful.

    96 Conjunction Sun - Neptune

    Positive aspect: They will be greatly attracted by each other, not necessarily physically. With the problems of everyday life, this love will vanish and each will no longer understand what they found so attractive in the other.

    93 Sextile Mercury - Jupiter

    Positive aspect: An ideal couple, prosperous, happy, good intellectual understanding, great confidence in each other, a successful family life.

    92 Conjunction Mercury - Neptune

    Positive aspect: Good spiritual understanding.

    -77 Square Mars - Uranus

    Negative aspect: It is impossible for such a union to happen but, if it does, it will only lead to violence and extreme aggression.

    73 Conjunction Moon - Neptune

    Positive aspect: An almost magical bond will unite them. Perfect harmony.

  9. Love Match: Pisces Woman Dating Capricorn Man

    This dating pair is a perfect blend of grounded romance. The Pisces woman adds sensitivity and romance and the Capricorn man brings structure and reality. They complement beautifully.

    The Pisces woman is more sensitive and compassionate than her Capricorn man. He will be ambitious and achievement oriented while she is more empathic. She’ll learn how to do something tangible with her emotions from him and he’ll learn to get back in touch with his inner child from her.

    When dating turns sexual things only get better! The Pisces woman enjoys her Capricorn man’s earthy lust and he becomes immersed into her fantasies quite easily.

    Good Luck!

  10. Here read it for yourself. I think you do in some areas.

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