
Do we need a Monarchy?

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Do we need a Monarchy?




  1. The amount of money they generate for this country is unbelievable and other than that could you imagine a president..........No Thank You.

  2. Yes, they sell newspapers and mags, therefore they keep the media economy going!

    I myself though, could live without them!

  3. No, because then we couldn't vote for laws. If the King is a psycho religious nut-- then we'd all have to go to his churches and be forced to his whims.

  4. Aside from the fact that they contribute an enormous amount of money to the country, both from the Royal Estates and income taxes, not to mention tourism - it is impossible to imagine the UK without a monarch. The Queen is not only head of state, she is head of the armed forces, head of the Church of England, and head of the legal system. The whole country would be dismantled without her.

    The system has worked very well, with one minor interruption, for over 1000 years. Leave well enough alone.

  5. Why we don't embrace a presidency like Zimbabwe is a thing I don't understand ! Perhaps you republicans would be happy then.

  6. i think its nice to have royalty in this country it really is something for us to be proud of.

    What i don't agree with is the way they conduct themselves.

    You may say they are only human just like us, but their not just like us are they, not really, they have royal blood so they should in my opinion set a good example for us to follow. especially moral wise.

    Is it any wonder harry and will have been a bit naughty sometimes, i mean look at how their father treated ther mother, having a secret mistress through most of their married life, poor diana,

    Monarcy yes, but please have some morals

  7. Yes we need our Queen.

  8. God yes.  Can you imagine President Brown, or Blair in sole charge of the country.  God help us all.

  9. we, the US, have one.  born to a wealthy loving family went on to make her own fortune while very young, beutiful healthy not hysterical, or self pitying, trustworthy steadfast with great thing to come. Glad to live in the same century as PARIS HILTON, (the american Dianna,ahhhhhh)

  10. No... I think democracy is the best way to go.

  11. No.  Not worth the money they cost the country.

  12. Yes we do, unless you prefer the alternative which is to have some twerp like Tony Blair or David Cameron as President  of Great Britain (Heaven forbid!!!).

  13. The reality answer is no.  We do not need a Monarchy.  They have lost the respect of the Nation, and have no real diplomatic role to play (why else do we need diplomats?)  The sociological answer is yes.  As long as people subscibe to the cult of celebrity and hold in high esteem vaccuous materialism then they will always be regarded as necessary.  If the country was released from its media cartel stranglehold  which allows spin doctoring on a universal level, then yes, the voice of the people would be heard and yes, we would no longer have a need for the extinct monarchy.  

    They are like the Panda - dying out for need of proper family values!


  14. no, leave it the way it is.

  15. Yes

  16. Its nice to have a monarchy draws in tourists from all over the world.

  17. Definitely.  We could hardly be the United Kingdom without one!!  (can't be a Kingdom without a monarch).  And I certainly do not want to have a President Brown!  The Monarchy may cost us a lot in taxes, but they bring in far more for tourism.   Leave them as they are - it ain't broke so don't fix it!

  18. Nope.

  19. of course who would we fight for and lock up at the end of the day it is her Majesties Pleasure
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