
Do we need a global policeman?

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Do we need a global policeman?




  1. Since there isn't global agreement on what constitutes a global standard for "crime" it would be dangerous to create a global policemen. Whenever the U.N. gets involved it appears to act as a GP but actually depends on individual states for staffing and usually winds up being ineffectual ( e.g. Rwanda, Darfur et al ) and subject to individual sovereignty, anyway ( e.g. Egypt's Nasser demanded that UN "peacekeepers" leave the Sinai stations in 1967 in order to attack Israel...and they left! )

    The U.S. often acts as global policeman and gets little thanks and a lot of opprobrium ( and blood and treasure ) for doing so. Note what happened in Somalia in 1993. Even enforcing UN resolutions as in Iraq in 1991 and again in 2003 cost a lot and didn't get "us" much credit. Better would be to deploy US military only in areas where American interests are involved ( although the Middle East DOES significantly involve U.S. interests, certainly a helluva lot more than acting in Bosnia-Kosovo ).

  2. No, but we have one... I'll give you a hint. Its called the USA. Getting its nose stuck in everyone else's business.

  3. Already do.  It called the US Military

  4. Yes in case anything bad to anything and everyone because pollution and crime is acted out everywhere.

    Police are everywhere.

  5. No what is good of a policeman when its not pysicaly possible to get to america to stop a crime.

  6. Inter pol is exactly what global police or policeman is.

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