
Do we need a law for vehicle headlights to be on perminently?

by  |  earlier

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in rainy or bad light ie morning or evening certain cars can be elusive because of there colours and also when most have their lights on , some dont , and i get very angry at their lack of awarness just because they can see other cars they dont think if the other cars can see them. i believe we need to manufacture cars so the lights are always on and work with the ignition so theres no proplems of leaving them on at a car park .. also ban some colours like silver and dark greens and blues and red is a tricky colour too. im hoppong to spark interest and make the roads safer.. i think white is the safest colour..




  1. Probably.  Several years ago, GM tried to provide vehicles whose lights were on during daytime driving.  But, they got a lot complaints.  

    The lights allow others to see you.  Have you ever noticed most motorcyclists drive with thier lights on.  (Sometimes I think they use their brights on purpose).  You notice them, you cuss them, but you don;t hit them.

  2. Yes lights on all the time. But no ban on colours of cars we need choice.

  3. I completely agree, I have very good vision, have only had 2 accidents in 34 years, but I am with you, can't see grays and silver, they blend in with the pavement color on roads.  Also, it should be a law that lights remain "on " in cars.  In Germany, they have something like 40 percent less accidents than we do, because they have "running lights" on their vehicles.  They drive much faster, and still their accident rates are low.  They say the car lamps are the reason.  Take care out on the roads, all.  M.E. R.

  4. I do agree that driving during the day with the headlites on enhances safety.  The problem I have with it though is that is always seems that whenever something like this is made law, it seems like the people who would most profit from it will be the lightbulb manufacturers.

  5. no but we should cause most dont know when to turn on their headlights.

  6. I agree with you 100% and it would save a lot of lives.

  7. lights make a big deal, in canada the car manufacturers have to have lights on at all times, makes cars much more visible. as for the colour i dont think it makes a difference, different colours would be more visible depending on the situation.

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