
Do we need another language perhaps with smaller words so that liberals can understand our questions?

by  |  earlier

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i have noticed more and more that they only get it if we include video links.written english too difficult ?




  1. si senior'

  2. Maybe you want to simplify the language to make it harder to point out your boneheaded mistakes. What you're talking about is called Newspeak. Read a book!

  3. well that's your opinion - but I strongly disagree


  4. Possibly, at one point I didn't get how they didn't understand the word 'tax', but then someone pointed out to me not many of them have jobs.

  5. Swahili.


    I'M MUSLIM, duh.  

    My father was MUSLIM.

    My step-father was MUSLIM.

    My mother was atheist.

    My brother is MUSLIM.

    My sister is MUSLIM.

    My name is Arabic-MUSLIM.

    I attended a MUSLIM school for two years.

    Twenty years ago, I made a phony "conversion" from ISLAM to Christianity only for political purposes.


  6. If you are so good at English, how come your question has so many mistakes in it?

    Just so you know, 'I' is always a capital letter when talking about yourself.  New sentences also start with a capital letter.  There is always a space after a period.  English has a capital letter.

    If you are going to write sarcastic questions making fun of 'liberals' and their use of English, perhaps you should take the time to follow accepted conventions.

    To answer your question, I think you'll find there are just as many intelligent liberals out there as there are conservatives.  Without liberals, we'd have a single party dictatorship in this country and no democracy.  Is that really what you want?

  7. Maybe hip-hop would work?  Ebonics anyone?

  8. They also need some Demo-Dismal for the Diarrhea of the mouth, and some Libralmucil for the constipation of the brain.

  9. One word cons have a problem with is "deficit."  They seem to ignore the fact that it is growing and it is serious.  But they seem too preoccupied with their own wealth, and not that of the country.

    Please give us specific examples to support your argument.  Otherwise, its just hogwash.

  10. Most of the questions asked by the ultra-right consist of unsupported accusations with absolutely no basis in fact.  They're not "questions."  They are lies with a question mark at the end.

  11. perhaps we should try ebonics.

  12. First off, I Lol'd at ZCT's absolute roflstomp.

    Down to business; There are idiots both side of the fence, as you've experienced and, in a brutally ironic twist, demonstrated. You cannot make blanket statements about anything, anybody, anytime. Learn this and maybe people will respect you a bit more.

    John Kerry is a "liberal" and I dare say his IQ is probably about 4 times what yours is.



    "zct i see you didn't understand the question thus proving me right yet i or I gets confused with l or small l by those with weak minds like you.i was just trying to help you."

    What the f*ck are you talking about?

    You always capitalize I when talking about yourself. That's what you're doing. You're doing it wrong. ZCT is trying to help YOU.

    Learn your english or edit your question.

    Do you need me to come over to your house and point to all the "i"s you aren't capitalizing? "I" will be happy to do it.

  13. I believe they already have a tinier vocabulary,its called texting.The terrible thing about it,is it doesnt make 'em get any smarter either.

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