
Do we need to focus on developing Trade Schools in Trinidad and Tobago?

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I was wondering. With all the construction going on in TnT now shouldn't more of our young people and tradesmen be able to find work?

And why do we have to import contractors, laborours and tradesmen to build these fancy buildings in TnT as we see happening now? Tell me.




  1. it have nuff trade schools and programs ...but is how to attract the people to them when it involves real work when you have CEPEP to compete with

  2. as julien rightly said, yes we do need to Develop trade schools, Not have MORE trade schools, we have alot as it is however, the system of getting students into them and keeping the flow thereafter is the problem..

    alot of ppl also have the impression that these free schools arent as good and dont have the required skilled teachers as they need to resulting in youths paying money to go pay schools.

    as u rightly said, we are importing foreign laborours, but just go the through the express, newsday, guardian newspapers, numerous workers wanted for looks are male youths, but they dont want the job!!!!!

    its my humble opinion that alot of youths rather things come to them, as ppl say "easy money" hard work its what they dont want to do.....

    this is one of they few things we cannot blame the government for... they have given us the programs and contractots have the vacancies, its up for us to use it....

  3. Yes, they need to bring back trade school and reopen the youth camps.

  4. Yes, we do need trade schools, but it's more than that...there are already people in TnT with the skills but it looks like the powers that be don't like hiring people from within their own country.

  5. you missed out on the hiring doctors and nurses who can't even speak English bu you do have a point though i think it's called wasting tax payers money the citizens of trinidad work like dog whoever have jobs and manning is putting the profit in his pocket and benefiting of it it's so unfair why not together with  trade schools start up a charity like something to feed the less fortunate there's family's who go to bed hungry at night manning is only thinking about himself and his wife

  6. We need to develop Trade schools.

    the thing is the education and young people wanna go UWI and USC and get degrees in business, IT, CIS, so government concentrating on tht cuz they  see tht as a way forward esp. with this 1st world country status in the back of their minds. so the tradesmen finding mediocre training and learning facilities.

    The government feel the need to hire a foreign based contracting and constructing company because, they dont recognise their own as being skilled enuff to handle the job they wanna do (or the ppl go tief all de material when it reach...jk). But they don't see that the solution to that is simple. developing trade schools to a high standard, will allow for better skilled companies of our own, who they can trust to consrtuct these fancy buildings. Vicious circle

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