
Do we need to form a "Republicans for Obama" after the insult McCain inflicted on us this week!?

by Guest61524  |  earlier

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Do we need to form a "Republicans for Obama" after the insult McCain inflicted on us this week!?




  1. You are not a true Republican. A real Republican would embrace Palin. She's more to the right than he is.  

  2. go for it. Welcome to the real world.

  3. Insult???????????????????? Does the truth hurt the little lib dems? Oh, of course it does, that's why they never use it.

  4. What do you mean, "we"  and "us," Kemosabe?  

  5. No.

    The insult came a long time ago with his religious bigotry against the Mormons.  If Romney can let that go, so can I.

    I will hold my nose and vote for that idiot that too often crosses "to the other side" to surrender to the democrats.

    It is better than voting for a racist who hates white people and hates the United states.  That man can't wait to turn us all over to some foreign doctrine.

  6. McCain has not insulted you - you are paranoid.

    You should actually research things before you make up you closet democrat mind.

  7. Sure, you'll be the sole member, assuming you're not an undercover troll from the left

  8. You may as well become a democrat.

    A democrat is only a castrated Republican.  

  9. America has had one bad leader after another with few exceptions in our history.Somehow we get through it.We always have. Tough times are ahead of us. We need a good leader who will look out for the little guy. Will this be the year? None of us can answer this question but one thing is for sure.the United States always gets the President it deserves. Think before you vote.

  10. Yes I have already switched my vote thanks

  11. Please do.

    OBAMA IN 08 !!!!!

  12. Only if you agree with his policies more than those of McCain. And I hope you do! But go by the policies, if you can find them in either party ;)

  13. Only if you hate the Republican party and democracy.

  14. McCain is relying on the hopes that you republicans are ignorant, blind followers. He doesn't even give his supporters the benefit of the doubt that they are intelligent.

  15. Might as well, there is no republican candidate. There is a neo-conservative ticket masquerading as a republican ticket and a democratic ticket. No matter who's chosen we're going to see increased government spending and restrictions on civil liberties.

    I miss Ron Paul.

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