
Do we need to get a VISA for a 7-day vacation in Italy?

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I read from other website that we don't need one unless we are going to stay there for a year? Is this true?

Also, I am a greencard holder in the US.




  1. See website below.  Fill in the  three blanks for your home country,  that you are a resident of the U.S.A., and that you want to go to Italy.  Then click to get the visa and passport info.  I am sure that info about one yr. is wrong.  U.S. CITIZENS may visit Italy for 90 days or less without a visa, so I doubt that residents would be more.  You may also see 2nd website for U.S. state Dep't travel info for Italy.  It has link for italian Embassy in case you need to contact them.

  2. You should check with the Italian Consulate. Depending on your country of origin you may need or not a Visa. A green card shows you are a legitimate imigrant in the US ,not a citizen yet.

    American citizens who have an American Passport don't need a visa to visit Italy.

    I hope you have a great time on your trip.

  3. Being a greencard holder does not mean you are eligible to travel visa-free.

    It is the nationality of your passport that determines if you can travel visa-free.

    To see if you qualify to travel without  a visa visit the website below.


    Regarding you aditional details, you will need a valid passport to travel from the United States to Italy. There is NO exception.

    Edit regarding 2nd  & 3rd aditional information:

    Chinimimita, I think you are missing the point entirely.

    I never said you could travel free, I said travel visa-free.

    As a greencard holder, you are not a U.S. citizen and so therefore depending on which nationality of passport you have then your rights to travel regarding visas may change from that of a U.S. citizen.  Having a greencard holds no bearing in regards to traveling to or obtaining a visa from another country.

    So I say again, to determine weather or not you need a visa to travel to Italy, you need to visit the website for the Italian Embassy from which your passport originates from or if you would like, you can contact me directly and tell me and then I can tell you for certain if you will need a visa or not.

    Without this information we cannot answer your question.

    In regards to your comment about there being 'no such thing' as an invalid passport, again you misunderstood me. By valid, I meant in date i.e not expired.

  4. I would suggest contacting your countries local government office or a travel agency they can give you ins and outs of holding a visa, passports or whatever you may need

  5. Having a greencard for the US has no bearing on the matter.

    You need to check the rules regarding the country who issued your passport, as this is the only thing that matters.

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