
Do we need to get tested?

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In a long term relationship, you know both of you are virgins, never been sexually active with another in any way - is testing necessary? It's just that they drill all these things into your head at school "be cautious be cautious" and I am wondering if tests need to be done incase something has been contracted by other means than sexual activity. (Such as warts, could they be there without you knowing it etc.) Is is completely stupid to get tested if neither has done anything? What if you had something at birth and never knew it - what are the chances of that?




  1. I am in a long term relationship & get tested, I trust my partner but its still peace of mind knowng that you do not carry any STD's & STI"s the testing is very simple & quick - Goodluck

  2. there are things that can be transmitted just by kissing. your partner could have contracted some thing when they were younger and never even known it. some children could get oral herpes from a relative giving them a kiss on the cheek with cold sores. i am in a relationship for 3 years and didn't know any better what cold sores (oral herpes) were, and didn't guess that my BF could end up giving me herpes. i now have both types of herpes to live with.

    like u say "be cautious be cautious" better to be safe then sorry and know what u or your partner could have.

  3. You never can be absolutely sure of what someone else has done, only of what you have done.  I think its a good idea to get tested because it will set both of your minds at ease about the other person.

    You can contract certain STDs at birth, although in all likelihood you would know about them long before you were in long term relationship age unless you were a carrier.

  4. If you have never had s*x than the chances of either of you having std's are pretty slim.  However, if either of you have had mutual masterbation (like if you touched a guys hoo hoo and then touched yourself) you could have herpes or hpv and not know it.  Those are the only (to my knowledge) std's that you can get even without having actual s*x! It's always safer to get tested, and don't assume that just because you got tested and were clean that he is too; that's how I ended up with HPV!! I was married to the same man for 10 years, I always tested clean (never thought to get him tested), after divorce tested clean again.  Started dating a few months later, now engaged and just found out a few months ago that I have HPV (don't now if it's from my fiance or my ex).  Always get tested and insist he does to!!!

  5. No if you are both virgins you don't need to be tested. If any one of you had a disease at birth you would of died as a baby. There is no chance either of you has anything.

  6. I am a CCMA

    YES it is wise to get tested because some people can be carriers and not even know that they have an STD.. Sometimes you do not even have out breaks.. It is genetic and your family may not know that they are carriers

  7. If niether have you have EVER done anything, and you trust that its true, then STD testing really isnt necessary.  Be careful and use birth control so that you don't get pregnant.

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