
Do we place children in educational settings to early? why or why not?

by Guest60140  |  earlier

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Do we place children in educational settings to early? why or why not?




  1. I cannot agree more with you. I do not know whether this is due to the need of the times for the children to grow up fast to face the challanges of the world.However, we forget that in this speed we perhaps gloss over the wide gaps left inthe middle.There are certain species who grow up very fast,become procreative but also turn old quickly and die out.In our hectic life we are robbing children the leisurely childhood which is an essential requirement for proper growth. A child does reiterate whatever is taugfht but that is mechanical and not understanding.My son is a mathematician but still says he does not know how maths works for we rushed him through the schools. A computer can solve difficult examples but it could hardly be said a computer is intelligent.I fondly remember our free childhood roaming about .We were sent to schools only if we showed an inclination towards it.Let us spare our children. Let them grow freely and not make them learned morons.

  2. A child learns more in it's first five years of life than it will, accumulatively, in the rest of it's life. The sooner the better as far as education is concerned.

  3. I think this is a good question.  I am a childcare provider and I have been interviewed by many different parents asking many different questions.  I once had a parent ask me if I would teach his 2 year old math.  I found that question kind of odd.  The child is 2 years old let him enjoy being a 2 year old playing with blocks, or coloring.  I think the reason why some parents push their kids at such an early age is because they want their child tobe the best.  It is only natural as a parent to feel that way.  But me personally I would like my child to feel like a kid and enjoy being a child.  Don't get me wrong I want my children to learn, but I want them to learn at their own pace.

  4. Every situation is an educational setting. Either it be black and white patterns as infants, to playing with blocks at 2 and 3. Even singing simple songs such as the ABC's are all educational. Humans are just sponges the earlier you can expose your child the better.

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