
Do we produce - if any - static electricity when we have s*x?

by  |  earlier

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Just to be clear... I don't have any strage fetishes I was just curious and... you know, this website is for asking questions.




  1. i guess maybe if you are having s*x on a carpet , but i think you will have more of a chance of getting rug burn that way

  2. no there is no transfer of charges from one body to another body during s*x

  3. Our body is a conductor of electricity as we know. As far as i know, having s*x doesn't produce static electricity.. static electricity are electricity that are not in motion or not moving... in s*x there is action, (i haven't seen a s*x without actions)... if ever there are static electricity within our body, then those elctricity on those 2 bodies interact with each other, which is of course, not a static electricity.

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