
Do we punish inmates or are they rehabilitated?

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Do we punish inmates or are they rehabilitated?




  1. 1% of the US adult population is now incarcerated. I doubt very much that the prison services have the resources to rehabilitate anyone.

  2. We lock them up where they sharpen their criminal skills.

  3. Up here in Canada they definitely are not rehabilitated and we don't punish them hard enough

  4. Punish...rehabilitation is a failed concept

  5. No.

    Should'nt be?

    The I-Robots with A.I.?

    The defective, malfunction humanoids?

    Should be recall back to workshop for maintenance.

    In tracing the faults.

    On what cause it to be short-circuited?

    Can be the DOS -disk operating system is not being included.

    Then get a s***w driver and search for the loose connection on the wirings that keep on sparking.

    Just tighten a few loose screws.

    Test it and see if it can pass quality control.

    If it passes.

    Then label quality control OK.

    In putting it out into the strreet and back to work.

    Luke 8.5-8,10-17

    What do you think?

  6. Punish and not waste money on rehab because we should never let any of them out again. I'm sick and tired of ALL crime and have no sympathy for any of them. If they don't want to fit into society then remove them permanently. Why should any law abiding citizen be a victim of someone who was in prison and released. Most crimes are commited by ex cons so lets play the odds and keep them all in prison away from society that they CHOSE  to not live in respectfully.

  7. With a recidivism rate of nearly 70% it doesn't look like they are being rehabilitated.

  8. well, most of them definatley are not rehabilitated

  9. I have my own perspective of things, i dont believe that anyone who commits a crime to stay alive should be punished. Therefore a drug dealer who's selling drugs to feed his/her child, shouldnt get the same punishment as say a child molestor or a murderer. This is the part thats messed up, child molestors get a couple of years and some rehab, people believe you can rehab child molestors, thats sickening.

    So we are supposed to be punishing and rehabing both at the same time, it really doesnt work like that. Everyone of the people i knew that went to prison that was non-violent, came home a more hardened criminal. Out of 10 of my old buddies who went for selling illegal drugs, 7 of them are now back in prison for murder. They also admitted to murdering or watching someone get murdered while doing time. Prison doesnt work... but oh yeah child molestors and murders should be locked up for life no release no human contact. Dont do the crime if you dont want to do the time.

  10. we punish them i think it is wrong personally sorry

  11. I think it's time we re-think the entire idea of how we handle criminals. We have been incarcerating people and killing them for 1000's of years and we are further away from a crime free society then we ever have been.

    I don't have the solution but what we are doing now and always have been doing simply isn't working.

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