
Do we really have a sence of direction every where on earth no matter what?

by Guest62537  |  earlier

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Like if you were just plopped in the middle of a desert and didn't know where you are could you still sence which way is north and etc? If so then how is it possible? I just don't get it if we still have a sence of direction in a place we don't know and where there is no roads in sight.




  1. idk what makes it happen but my uncle went in the woods and got lost but he still somehow knew.

    it seems to be in dire situations wwhen ur senses are spiked

  2. Me no, I have no idea where I am most of the time in the geographical sense.  My husband on the other hand always knows where he is, where North, South, East and West are, and how to get home! It's not fair.

  3. one way to find out. get someone to drive you way out of town. like the next town or two over from where you live. and leave you there and see how long it takes you to find your way home without looking at signs

  4. GPS is good.  Magnetic compass varies greatly and requires special knowledge.  However, if you don't have these and are left to more traditional resources, using the stars is a good way to get bearings.  

    Points on the horizon of sunrise and sunset give a good indication of east and west in lower latitudes.  However, beyond arctic/antarctic circles, the direction of the sun doesn't help much.  

    The distant stars are great for finding direction and your position.  In the north, Polaris, found using the pointer stars of the big dipper, marks within 1 degree of the north celestial pole.  The south celestial pole is in the constellation Octans, marked by the intersection of an imaginary line from the long axis of the Southern Cross and a perpendicular bisector of the line between Centaurus' two brightest stars (Rigel Kent and Hadar).

  5. I sure as h**l don't lol

  6. Nah. Most people are as lost as me.

  7. depends on who you are.

  8. Ugh, YEAH. The earth orbits around the sun. The sun rises to the east and sets to the west. Figure that out and you should be set. But if I were you, I'd be worried.

  9. Only with a gps system for me. But some people just know how to find there way around, it amazes me too.

  10. yes

    (iron ferrites in nose, act as compass)

    ..same as some other animals do

    look it up

  11. you could look at the sun and figure out the direction from where it rises and sets.

  12. you would probably be able to tell by the way the sun set, but no i have a terrible sense of direction

  13. huh? wat the heck are you talking bout?? i mean the sun sets in the west so that gives some sort of direction

  14. Yes ,The sun and stars

  15. Its a gift

  16. nope

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